Personal information

observational oceanography, sediment dynamics, oceanographic instrumentation, Satellite altimetry
United Kingdom


Employment (2)

National Oceanography Centre Liverpool: Liverpool, Liverpool, GB

2018-01-03 to present | Research Assistant (Marine Physics and Ocean Climate)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ian Dougal Lichtman

Marine Scotland Science: Aberdeen, Aberdeen, GB

2002-06 to 2011-09 | Oceanographer (Oceanographic Services)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ian Dougal Lichtman

Education and qualifications (4)

Bangor University School of Ocean Sciences: Bangor, Gwynedd, GB

2013-05-01 to 2017-08-17 | PhD, Sediment Dynamics (Ocean Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ian Dougal Lichtman

University of Southampton: Southampton, Southampton, GB

2011-10 to 2012-10 | MSc, Engineering in the Coastal Environment (Ocean and Earth Science / Engineering and the Environment)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ian Dougal Lichtman

University of Dundee: Dundee, Dundee, GB

1999-10 to 2000-10 | MSc, Remote sensing and Image processing (Electrical Engineering and Physics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ian Dougal Lichtman

Bangor University School of Ocean Sciences: Bangor, Gwynedd, GB

1994-10 to 1997-06 | BSc, Ocean Sciences (Ocean Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ian Dougal Lichtman

Works (4)

Validating SWOT in the coastal zone: a radar altimetry and tide gauge case study in the Bristol Channel and Severn River-Estuary system

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Ian Dougal Lichtman; Chris Banks; Francisco J. M. Calafat; Christine Gommenginger; Paul Bell
Source: check_circle

Small-scale bedforms and associated sediment transport in a macro-tidal lower shoreface

Continental Shelf Research
2021-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Q. Guerrero; M.E. Williams; J. Guillén; I.D. Lichtman; P.D. Thorne; L.O. Amoudry
Source: check_circle

Acoustic scattering characteristics and inversions for suspended concentration and particle size above mixed sand and mud beds

Continental Shelf Research
2021-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Peter D. Thorne; Ian D. Lichtman; David Hurther
Source: check_circle

Bedform migration in a mixed sand and cohesive clay intertidal environment and implications for bed material transport predictions

2018-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Ian D. Lichtman; Jaco H. Baas; Laurent O. Amoudry; Peter D. Thorne; Jonathan Malarkey; Julie A. Hope; Jeffrey Peakall; David M. Paterson; Sarah J. Bass; Richard D. Cooke et al.
Source: check_circle