Personal information
Associate Professor at Architecture Faculty of Oporto University, Regent Professor of Construction Course and Coordinator of CIAMH (Center of Innovation in Architecture and Ways of Living)at FAUP´s research center; Scientific Coordinator of Architecture course at the University José Eduardo dos Santos, in Huambo Angola. He is an Architect, an Entrepreneur and Researcher.
Education: Degree and PhD degree in Architecture at Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto.
Collaboration with Industry: Has developed various innovation and technology transference works in close relation with the market and industry aiming to develop design, construction and the production technologies applied to buildings, spaces and equipment oriented to innovation and the disciplinary development of architecture and ways of living.
Publications: Author of 18 national and international books and of over than 30 papers in national and international journals. His work has been published in more than 300 articles at diferent online publications. Has organized and participated in several national and international conferences on Architecture; Ways of Living, Designing and Building; Innovation, and BIM methodology applied to design and architectural education.
Other scientific activities: Coordinator of Center for Innovation in Architecture and Ways of Living in FAUP. Coordinator of R&D department at CNLL, Lda. a research center certificated in Innovation Management and Quality standards by APCER. Founding member of BIMFORUM Portugal Group and of Habitar group; member of the scientific committee of the 2nd international conference “Living in Lusophone Space”(CIHEL) LNEC.
Professional Activity - Author of hundreds of projects realized in Portugal and abroad, has participated in some exhibitions of his work, having received several national and international awards.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (4)
Funding (1)