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University of Chicago


Works (10)

Functional innovation through new genes as a general evolutionary process

Nature Genetics
2025-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Shengqian Xia; Jianhai Chen; Deanna Arsala; J. J. Emerson; Manyuan Long
Source: check_circle

Publisher Correction: Functional innovation through new genes as a general evolutionary process

Nature Genetics
2025-02-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Shengqian Xia; Jianhai Chen; Deanna Arsala; J. J. Emerson; Manyuan Long
Source: check_circle

Subcellular Enrichment Patterns of New Genes in Drosophila Evolution

Molecular Biology and Evolution
2025-02-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Chuan Dong; Shengqian Xia; Li Zhang; Deanna Arsala; Chengchi Fang; Shengjun Tan; Andrew G Clark; Manyuan Long; Katja Nowick
Source: check_circle

The Rapid Evolution of De Novo Proteins in Structure and Complex

Genome Biology and Evolution
2024-06-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Jianhai Chen; Qingrong Li; Shengqian Xia; Deanna Arsala; Dylan Sosa; Dong Wang; Manyuan Long
Source: check_circle

High-Quality Genome Assemblies Reveal Evolutionary Dynamics of Repetitive DNA and Structural Rearrangements in the Drosophila virilis Subgroup

Genome Biology and Evolution
2024-01-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Jullien M Flynn; Yasir H Ahmed-Braimah; Manyuan Long; Rod A Wing; Andrew G Clark; Andrea Betancourt
Source: check_circle

High quality genome assemblies reveal evolutionary dynamics of repetitive DNA and structural rearrangements in theDrosophila virilissub-group

2023-08-14 | Preprint
Contributors: Jullien M. Flynn; Yasir H. Ahmed-Braimah; Manyuan Long; Rod A. Wing; Andrew G. Clark
Source: check_circle

Human Gene Age Dating Reveals an Early and Rapid Evolutionary Construction of the Adaptive Immune System

Genome Biology and Evolution
2023-05-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Li Zhang; Jonathan J Park; Matthew B Dong; Deanna Arsala; Shengqian Xia; Jianhai Chen; Dylan Sosa; Jared E Atlas; Manyuan Long; Sidi Chen et al.
Source: check_circle

Species-specific partial gene duplication in Arabidopsis thaliana evolved novel phenotypic effects on morphological traits under strong positive selection

The Plant Cell
2022-02-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Yuan Huang; Jiahui Chen; Chuan Dong; Dylan Sosa; Shengqian Xia; Yidan Ouyang; Chuanzhu Fan; Dezhu Li; Emily Mortola; Manyuan Long et al.
Source: check_circle

Evolutionary Dynamics of Abundant 7-bp Satellites in the Genome of Drosophila virilis

Molecular Biology and Evolution
2020-05-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Jullien M Flynn; Manyuan Long; Rod A Wing; Andrew G Clark; Irina Arkhipova
Source: check_circle

Gene duplicates resolving sexual conflict rapidly evolved essential gametogenesis functions

Nature Ecology & Evolution
2018-02-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Nicholas W. VanKuren; Manyuan Long
Source: check_circle