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Funding (8)

Using of a lagrangian numerical method to study flows around bluff and slender bodies submitted to wake-induced vibrations effects

2023 to 2026 | Grant
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Brasília, BR)


Source: Self-asserted source
Alex Bimbato

Using of a roughness model to simulate turbulent boundary layer effects in the flow around bluff and slender bodies under ground effect

2022-07-01 to 2024-06-30 | Grant
São Paulo Research Foundation (São Paulo, BR)
GRANT_NUMBER: 22/03630-4
Source: Self-asserted source
Alex Bimbato via DimensionsWizard

Implementation of an accelerator algorithm to solve the vorticity diffusion equation using a deterministic numerical method

2020-08-01 to 2021-07-31 | Grant
São Paulo Research Foundation (São Paulo, BR)
GRANT_NUMBER: 20/01212-5
Source: Self-asserted source
Alex Bimbato via DimensionsWizard

Utilização de um método de elementos de contorno em conjunto com um método de partículas para analisar o escoamento ao redor de aerofólios

2018-06-01 to 2019-05-31 | Grant
São Paulo Research Foundation (São Paulo, BR)
GRANT_NUMBER: 18/00856-6
Source: Self-asserted source
Alex Bimbato via DimensionsWizard

Use of a deterministic method to solve the vorticity diffusion equation in the discrete vortex method

2018-05-01 to 2019-02-28 | Grant
São Paulo Research Foundation (São Paulo, BR)
GRANT_NUMBER: 18/00855-0
Source: Self-asserted source
Alex Bimbato via DimensionsWizard

Estudo de Escoamentos Turbulentos ao redor de um Corpo de Superfície Hidraulicamente Rugosa Utilizando um Método de Partículas

2016 to 2017 | Contract
Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (São Paulo, BR)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alex Bimbato

Study of Turbulent Flows around a Smooth or a Rough Bluff Body using the Discrete Vortex Method

2008 to 2012 | Grant
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Brasília, BR)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alex Bimbato

Analysis of moving ground effects on aerodynamics loads of a body

2007 to 2008 | Grant
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Brasília, BR)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alex Bimbato