Personal information

Verified email domains


Employment (15)

Northumbria University: N/A, GB

Source: check_circle
Northumbria University

KITE Research Institute, University Health Network: Toronto, CA

2019-04-01 to present | Senior Researcher
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

University of Reading: Reading, Berkshire, GB

2017-01-01 to present | Professor of Neurocognitive Disorders (Psychology & Clinical Language Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust: Bracknell, Bracknell Forest, GB

2017-01-01 to present | Director (Berkshire Memory & Cognition Research Centre)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

University of Toronto: Toronto, ON, CA

2013-08-13 to present | Ontario Shores Research Chair (Occupational Sciences & Occupational Therapy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences: Whitby, ON, CA

2013-08-13 to 2019-03-31 | Research Chair (Research & Academics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

University of Sheffield: Sheffield, Sheffield, GB

2013-02-01 to 2017-12-31 | Professor of Health Services Research (ScHARR)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

University of St Andrews: St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland, GB

2008-08-01 to 2013-01-31 | Senior Lecturer (Psychology & Neuroscience)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

NHS Fife Victoria Hospital: Kirkcaldy, Fife, GB

2009-06-01 to 2010-10-30 | Clinical Psychologist (Clinical Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Open University: Milton Keynes, Milton Keynes, GB

2004-10-01 to 2008-09-30 | Tutor (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

University of St Andrews: St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland, GB

2001-10-01 to 2008-07-31 | Lecturer (Psychology )
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

University of Abertay Dundee: Dundee, Dundee, GB

1997-04-01 to 1997-09-30 | Lecturer (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Warwickshire Mental Health Trust: Warwick, Warwickshire, GB

1995-04-01 to 1997-09-30 | Research Psychologist (Clinical Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

University of Warwick: Coventry, Coventry, GB

1994-04-01 to 1995-03-31 | PostDoctoral Research Fellow (Psychology )
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

South Warwickshire Mental Health Trust: Warwick, Warwickshire, GB

1989-07-01 to 1990-09-30 | Assistant Psychologist (Clinical Psychologist)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Education and qualifications (3)

British Psychological Society: Leicester, Leicestershire, GB

2000-01-01 to 2006-06-01 | Statement of Equivalence in Clinical Psychology
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

University of Warwick: Coventry, Coventry, GB

1990-10-01 to 1994-03-31 | PHD (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

University of Warwick: Coventry, Coventry, GB

1986-10-01 to 1989-06-01 | BSc (Hons) (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Professional activities (3)


2023-07-01 to present | Chair (Nonpharmacological Interventions Professional Interest Area)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Alzheimer's Society: Toronto, CA

2023-02-08 to 2023-02-09 | Scientific Officer (Research)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Alzheimer's Society of Canada: Toronto, ON, CA

2022-02-07 to 2022-02-08 | Scientific Officer (Research)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Funding (56)

Meaningful Engagement in Advanced Dementia (MEAD)

2023-07 to 2025-06 | Grant
Alzheimer's Association (Chicago, Illinois, US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

CIRCA-CA: Implementing Computer Interactive Reminiscing and Conversation Aid in Canada - extension

2023-04 to 2024-03 | Grant
Public Health Agency of Canada (Ottawa, Ontario, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Together Stronger – a community creative arts programme for children of a parent with Young Onset Dementia

2023-01 to 2023-07 | Grant
UKRI Participative Research Funding (Reading, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

My Day: Digital Dementia Toolkit

2022-08-31 to 2023-08-30 | Grant
Economic and Social Research Council (Swindon, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

Early Professionals, Inspired Careers in AgeTech (EPIC-AT): Innovators of Tomorrow Health Research Training Platform in AgeTech

2022-01-01 to 2027-12-31 | Grant
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Ottawa, CA)


Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

Young onset dementia and financial wellbeing across generations

2022-01 to 2022-10 | Grant
UKRI Participative Research Funding Application (Reading, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

CIRCA-CA: Implementing Computer Interactive Reminiscing and Conversation Aid in Canada.

2021-11 to 2023-03 | Grant
Public Health Agency of Canada (Ottawa, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

CIRCA-ON: promoting social connection between people with dementia and caregivers

2021-04 to 2022-09 | Grant
Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation (Toronto, ON, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

CIRCA-CA: A digital solution for people with dementia during and after COVID-19.

2020-11 to 2021-10 | Grant
Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration and Aging (Montreal, Quebec, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Dementia Isolation Toolkit implementation (DITi) Project

2020-11 to 2021-10 | Grant
Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (Ottawa, Ontario, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Adaptive Interaction for Relationships (AIR): Enabling relationships and enhancing human rights for individuals with advanced dementia via accessible social interaction.

2020-10 to 2023-09 | Grant
Life Changes Trust (Edinburgh, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Toolkit to Prevent COVID-19 Transmission among Persons with Dementia in Long-Term Care

2020-07 to 2022-03 | Grant
Ontario Together (Toronto, ON, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Cog@work: Co-creating sustainable workspaces for aging workforces

2020-04 to 2024-03 | Grant
AGE-WELL (Toronto, ON, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Cog@Work: Building a supportive and sustainable work ecosystem for workers with dementia & mild cognitive impairment

2019-04-01 to 2020-03-31 | Grant
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Ottawa, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

Cog@work: Co-creating sustainable workspaces for aging workforces - pilot study

2019-04 to 2020-03 | Grant
AGE-WELL (Toronto, ON, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

RESILIEN-T: Technology driven self-management for building resilience among people with early stage cognitive impairment

2018-10-01 to 2021-09-30 | Grant
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Ottawa, CA)


Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

Feasibility of Mixed Reality Technologies for People with Dementia

2018-05 to 2021-09 | Grant
AGE-WELL (Toronto, ON, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Feasibility of Mixed Reality Technologies for People with Dementia

2018-05 to 2021-09 | Grant
AGE-WELL (Toronto, ON, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Feasibility of Mixed Reality Technologies for People with Dementia

2018-05 to 2021-09 | Grant
AGE-WELL (Toronto, ON, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Expanding Exercise Opportunities for Persons with Dementia: A Participatory Approach

2018-03-01 to 2019-02-28 | Grant
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Ottawa, CA)


Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

Dementia or mild cognitive impairment: @work in progress

2018-02-01 to 2021-01-31 | Grant
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Ottawa, CA)


Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

Digital technology to support informal caregivers: matching the tools to the needs from a sex and gender perspective

2018-01 to 2020-12 | Grant
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Ottawa, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell


2017-10 to 2019-03 | Grant
Centre for Aging Brain Health and Innovation (n/a, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

SHADE - Scalable Heuristics for Assistive Design and Elaboration

2017-10 to 2018-09 | Grant
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

The preservation of identity: Understanding the technology adoption patterns of older adults with age-related vision loss (ARVL)

2017-04-01 to 2019-03-31 | Grant
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Ottawa, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

‘Let’s Connect’

2017-04 to 2020-03 | Grant
Ontario Trillium Foundation (n/a, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Moving With and Tuning In: A participatory mixed methods study to foster social inclusion of individuals with dementia and their carers

2016-12-01 to 2020-11-30 | Grant
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Ottawa, CA)


Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxious and Depressed Youth: Improving Outcomes through Mobile Technology

2015-10-01 to 2019-09-30 | Grant
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Ottawa, CA)


Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

MindMate: Design and Evaluation of a Mobile CBT Homework Tool for Adolescents in Treatment for Anxiety or Depression

2015-07-01 to 2016-06-30 | Grant
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Ottawa, CA)


Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

EMERGING TECH. - The preservation of self-image: understanding the technology adoption patterns of older adults

2015-04-01 to 2016-03-31 | Grant
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Ottawa, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

Aging Gracefully across Environments using technology to support Wellness, Engagement and Long Life (AGE-WELL)

2015-04 to 2020-03 | Grant
Network of Centres of Excellence (n/a, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Planning a new integrated approach to dementia care

2015-01-01 to 2015-12-31 | Grant
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Ottawa, CA)


Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

INdependent LIving support Functions for the Elderly (In LIFE).

2015-01 to 2018-01 | Grant
European Commission (n/a, BE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Piloting the NANA monitoring and assessment system

2014-12 to 2015-03 | Grant
NIHR-RCF (Sheffield, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Technology for Healthy Ageing and Wellbeing (THAW)

2014-09 to 2017-12 | Grant
Directors of Research and Innovation competition (Sheffiled, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging - Full Proposal

2014-04-01 to 2019-03-31 | Grant
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Ottawa, CA)


Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

Dementia Hackathon

2014-03 to 2014-09 | Grant
UK Science and Innovation Network (London, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

AAL-WELL Ambient Assistive Living Technologies for Wellness, Engagement and Long Life

2013-04-21 to 2017-01-31 | Grant
Economic and Social Research Council (Swindon, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

Tackling barriers to adoption of assisted living technology for older adults

2011-09 to 2013-08 | Grant
Innovate UK (n/a, GB)


Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

In Touch - Happy gaming for people with dementia

2011-08 to 2014-06 | Grant
Netherlands Science Programme (n/a, NL)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

The extension of the COACH prompting system to nutrition-related activities among older adults

2009-04 to 2013-03 | Grant
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (n/a, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

NANA: Novel Assessment of Nutrition and Ageing

2009-03-01 to 2013-06-29 | Grant
Economic and Social Research Council (Swindon, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

Pilot fMRI study of cognitive function in Type 1 diabetes mellitus

2009-03 to 2011-03 | Grant
Dundee Medical School Anonymous Trust (Dundee, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

CIRCA BC: Community Based Research to Customize a Computer-Based Reminiscence Program for BC Seniors with Dementia

2008-03 to 2011-03 | Grant
British Columbia Medical Services Foundation (n/a, CA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Prompting to Support Independence in Dementia

2008-01-01 to present | Grant
Alzheimer's Association (Chicago, US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell via DimensionsWizard

SINAPSE: Scottish Imaging Network: A Platform for Scientific Excellence

2007-08 to 2012-12 | Grant
Scottish Funding Council (n/a, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

East of Scotland Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centre

2006-03 to 2011-04 | Grant
Alzheimer’s Research UK (Cambridge, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Stress and cortisol in dementia

2005-02 to 2006-02 | Grant
Dundee Medical School Anonymous Trust. (Dundee, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Developing an interactive multimedia activity system for elderly people with dementia

2004-10 to 2007-09 | Grant
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (n/a, GB)


Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Predicting response to cholinesterase inhibitors

2004-09 to 2006-08 | Grant
Chief Scientist Office (Edinburgh, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

SRDG Feasibility study. A collaborative initiative to secure investment in brain imaging in Scotland

2004-03 to 2005-03 | Grant
Scottish Funding Council (Edinburgh, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Dundee Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centre

2002-09 to 2006-08 | Grant
Alzheimer’s Research UK (Cambridge, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

A multimedia reminiscence experience and conversation support for elderly people with memory loss

2001-10 to 2004-09 | Grant
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (n/a, GR/R27013/01, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Scottish Dementia Network

2001-01 to 2002-12 | Grant
Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (Dunfermline, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Increasing the contribution of local researchers and clinicians toward developing guidelines for the assessment of incapacity in people with dementia.”

1999-03 to 2000-02 | Grant
Dundee Medical School Anonymous Trust (Dundee, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Dundee Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centre

1998-10 to 2002-09 | Grant
Alzheimer’s Research UK (Cambridge, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Arlene Astell

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Nature human behaviour. (1)