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KARA, O., Evaluation of Relative Density of Sands from BERR-NUR Penetrometer, International Symposium on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ISADET2019), Kahramanmaraş, 2-4 May 2019
KARA, O., Cam Elyaf Lif Donatili Temeller, International Symposium on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ISADET2019), Kahramanmaraş, 2-4 May 2019
KARA, O., Penetrometer For Measuring Soil Properties During Sampling, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, Bayburt, 21-23 September 2017.
ÇAKIR, T., KARA, O., Effects of the Variation of Unit Weight of Backfill Soil on Seismic Response of A Cantilever Retaining Wall, Gumushane University Journal of Institute of Natural Sciences, p 87-100, Turkiye, 2015.
KARA, O., SAKA, F., A Submerged Breakwater Design for Protection of Shoreline Slope from Sea Waves, 2. International Congress On Engineering Architecture and Design, Kocaeli, 12-13 May 2017.
KARA, O., Design of a new penetrometer that can indicate relative density of sands during sampling, Symposium on New Technologies on Engineering, Bayburt/Turkiye, 23 October, Bayburt University, Turkiye, 2015.