Personal information
Dr. Yasser Mahgoub is an architect, academic and scholar. Currently, Program Director, Faculty of Architecture, Galala University. Received his Doctorate in Architecture degree from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA in 1990. Held several academic positions at Ain Shams University (Egypt), United Arab Emirates University, Kuwait University, Qatar University, Dar Al Hekma University (Saudi Arabia) and Galala University (Egypt). Practiced as a professional architect and consultant.. Teaches design studios, research methods, environment and behavior, creativity and innovation, professional practice, graduation/senior projects and graduate courses. His research interests include social and cultural aspects of architecture, sustainable architecture, architectural education and the impact of globalization on architecture. Published several refereed research papers in internationally refereed journal and book chapters. Attended and presented papers in several international and regional conferences. Served as a scientific referee for many scientific conferences and journals. Was a member of the Agha Khan for Architecture Award reviewers for the 2010 cycle and currently country nominator.