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My name is Heveakore Maraia. I am from Papua New Guinea, a tropical country in South Pacific and located north of Australia. My research interests are in plant taxonomy and (ecology, particularly on investigating how plants response to herbivorous insects' attack using leaf traits (physical and chemical) to defend themselves from their enemies as well as on understanding niche partitioning in plants using mechanisms of sympatric and allopatric speciations respectively.
To understand interactions between plants, vertebrates (bats, birds) and arthropods, our team ( is working on complex food web structures on global scale (latitudinal and vertical gradient studies).
I am currently a PhD student at the Department of Ecosystem Biology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia and also employed as a researcher at the Institute of Entomology, Biology Center, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic.
Employment (2)
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Works (9)
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