Personal information
Raúl Velasco Morgado works as a lecturer (profesor permanente) in the área of History of Science in the Department of Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences at the School of Medicine of the University of Salamanca. He holds a degree in Medicine with specialized clinical training in Pediatrics and Family and Community Medicine and a Ph.D. in the History of Medicine from the University of Salamanca. He completed his postgraduate training in the History of Science at the universities of Valladolid and Coimbra.
He is currently the Academic Director of Teaching and Quality at the Vice-Rectorate for Undergraduate Studies at the University of Salamanca and Secretary of the Spanish Society for the History of Medicine (SEHM).
As a researcher, he is a member of the research group Iberrara within the University Institute for Studies on Science and Technology (ECyT) of the University of Salamanca, and he is integrated into the national thematic network Language and Science and in the Network of Scientific Collections of the University of Salamanca (RC2_USAL). His main research lines are the history of morphological sciences (human anatomy and embryology, 17th-20th centuries), the history of laboratory medicine and the molecularization of contemporary biomedicine. Among his main research results are the monograph Embriología en la Periferia (CSIC, 2016), which analyzes the different approaches to the embryo developed in Spain during the 20th century, with a special interest in the periods of the Second Republic and the Francoist dictatorship, and the co-edition with Juan Antonio Rodríguez Sánchez of a dossier in the journal Dynamis [2022; 42(2)] with the title Rare diseases: social movements, visual practices, and clinical care, which addresses the emergence of low-prevalence diseases from a multidisciplinary and transnational perspective.
Employment (3)
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Works (20)