Personal information
> A clinician with a keen interest in solving health problems by leveraging technology (inclusive of programming, data science, machine learning, and cloud technology).
-- Background --
By training, I am a clinician who qualified in Australia. I have over seven years of experience in various healthcare settings ranging from tertiary to primary care. In my previous role, I was a dual nephrology and internal medicine registrar in Malaysia. I bring the unique experience of having practised in a tropical, low-resource, and third-world setting.
-- Current --
Now, I am a research assistant with the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Before this position, I completed the MSc in health data analytics and machine learning with Imperial College.
I hope to combine my broad clinical experience with the field of computational epidemiology.
During this role, I contributed to the Real-time Assessment of Community Transmission study (REACT-1), which was one of the largest population surveillance studies on COVID-19 transmission.
I am actively looking for areas of health where applied data science and machine learning can be of value.
-- Other Interests --
Outside of work, I contribute to machine learning communities in London via free meetups.
I also write about the intersection of personal health and tech on my blog.