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Nemanja Mrđić is the senior research associate at the Institute of Archaeology from Belgrade, Serbia. Born in 1978. Graduated in 2005 at the University of Belgrade, Department of Archaeology with the topic: Water supply in Antiquity at the territory of Upper Moesia and southeast part of the Lower Pannonia. Since 2005 he is permanently engaged in the Research Project Viminacium through multiple projects of the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia:
1. Use of Geophysical Methods, GIS, GPR and New Technologies in Research of Roman city and Legionary Fortress of Viminacium - Project No, 147010
2. IRS - Viminacium, Roman city and Legionary fortress – research of material and non-material of inhabitants by using the modern technologies of remote detection, geophysics, GIS, digitalization and 3D visualization” - Project No. III 47018.
At the Department of Classical Archaeology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade he obtained his PhD with the thesis “Military Iconography from 3rd-5th century AD at the territory of Illyricum.
His professional interests are Roman army, ancient weapons and military equipment, frontiers of the Roman Empire (Roman limes), Roman military architecture and engineering, urbanism and topography of ancient cities, Aqueducts and water supply in antiquity, experimental archaeology and Roman burial rites.
He is member of the expert team preparing UNESCO World Heritage Site nomination and dossier for the Danube limes - Ref.: 6475 (Serial transnational WHS Frontiers of the Roman Empire). He participated in many campaigns at prehistoric, roman and mediaeval sites in Serbia as experienced field researcher. He participated in EU funded projects T-PAS, ARCHEST, Danube Limes Brand and Living Danube Limes. His secondary interest is paleontology where he participated (2009) and led research (2012) of the mammoths discovered in coal mine Drmno at the outskirts of Roman Viminacium. He participated in numerous international congresses and symposia. He participated in organization of several congresses and conferences of which 24th Limes Congress (2018) is the most prominent one. He participated in organizing several exhibitions in Serbia and abroad. He published several monographs, many articles and papers in various periodicals and gave lectures and presentations at different museums, exhibitions and universities.
He participated in the multiple Danube Limes Underwater Research Surveys (Limes Invisibilis Project - as project manager and principal researcher) and excavations of ancient ships in Serbian rivers.
From 2017-2022 he was an expert member of national delegations participating in the UNESCO World Heritage Committee sessions.
From 2020 he is the director of Viminacium Legionary fortress Research Project,
Since 2020 he is the director of Viminacium Archaeological Park.
In 2022 he organized a three week connecting cruise of the replica of the Roman ship Danuvina Alacris through Serbia during Living Danube Limes project providing support for the Danube Limes UNESCO nomination.
Employment (2)
Education and qualifications (1)
Professional activities (2)
Works (7)
10960287 00335894
COBISS.SR-ID 212292620