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Dr. Robert L. Ficklin is the Sturgis Endowed Chair of Forest Biology and the Associate Dean of Academics in the College of Forestry, Agriculture & Natural Resources at the University of Arkansas at Monticello. Dr. Ficklin has Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Forestry and a Ph.D. in Soil and Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Missouri, and he has been a member of the UAM faculty since 2002. He teaches or has taught courses including forest soils, forest ecology and tree ecophysiology, forest operations, natural resources sampling and monitoring, contemporary natural resource issues, and integrated natural resources management. Dr. Ficklin’s research program includes work on the response of local carbon and nitrogen cycles to silvicultural treatments, measurement of soil chemical and physical properties by spectral modeling, and changes in soil properties and vegetation during forest wetland restoration. Dr. Ficklin is a former Chair of the Ouachita Society of American Foresters, and he currently serving as Chair of the SAF National Committee on Professional Recognition.