Personal information

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Employment (1)

Tanta University Faculty of Medicine: Tanta, Twice Tanta, EG

2017-02-28 to present | Assistant Lecturer (Orthopedics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed Rohayem

Education and qualifications (1)

Tanta University Faculty of Medicine: Tanta, Twice Tanta , EG

2016-11-24 to present | Master Degree (Orthopedics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohamed Rohayem

Works (2)

Modified one third tubular plate (spring plate) augmented with reconstruction plates for treatment of comminuted posterior wall acetabular fractures, Short to midterm outcomes of 24 patients.

Orthopedic Reviews
2024-05-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Mohamed. A. A. Ibrahim; Mostafa. M Elgahel; Shady. A. Gouda; Mahmoud. M. Hassaan; Zenat A. Khired; Maamon Aljonaid; Mohamed Rohayem
Source: check_circle

Implant retention with serial debridement and use of antibiotic-loaded calcium sulfate beads in acute fracture-related infection (FRI) after pelvic ring or acetabular fractures: A retrospective case series of 7 cases

2023-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Alessandro Casiraghi; Claudio Galante; Mohamed Rohayem; Giulio Vittone; Marco Domenicucci; Stefano Cattaneo; Marco Paderno; Giuseppe Grava; Evelyn Van Hauwermeiren; Giuseppe Milano
Source: check_circle