Personal information
- Elected a Full Member Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society
- Judge at the 2024 Sigma Xi Student Research Showcase.
- MC Member [CA23110 RS] to COST Action CA23110 International networking on in
vitro colon models simulating gut microbiota mediated interactions (INFOGUT).
- MC Member [CA18227 RS] to COST Action CA18227 The Core Outcome Measures for
Food Allergy (COMFA).
- Certificate for Academic Exellence, Salzburg Weill Cornell/IAS Seminar Lipid
Metabolism, 3-9 November 2019.
- Certificate for Excellent Case Presentation, Salzburg Weill Cornell/IAS Seminar Lipid
Metabolism, 3-9 November 2019.
- Delegate of the AalPHA (Atlano-Adriatic Liver project and Hepatology Association
initiative board).
- Certificate for Lipid Competency Certificate Examination, Accreditation Council for
Clinical Lipidology, 2019.
- Excellent knowledge of working on Moodle learning management systeme.
- Received letter of appreciation from the Student parliament of the Faculty of
Medicine of the University of Belgrade for dedication to solving student issues and
exceptional cooperation with students.