Personal information
I am a professor, art critic and researcher. I research the fields of culture and art, with a strong emphasis on Latin American Contemporary Art, in conjunction with my work as a lecturer at the Federal University of Southern Bahia (UFSB). I seek to investigate the relationship between art and "decoloniality", from the intersection between race, ethnicity, gender, geopolitics and social class, and in aesthetic-political practices, in spaces of activism, protest and social movements. I am interested in investigating collective aesthetics as an integral and radicalizing force, in rural and urban spaces, and the possible formation of a system of transcultural articulation, based on the idea that cultural difference is less based on territorial borders, but rather in identifying bonds between peripheral networks. My research is also focused on the visual art, performing, cinema, and Its relationship with the collective identities, reconstructed, in recent times, in unprecedented ways through the complex interlocution between religion, territoriality, race, class, ethnicity, gender, nationality, human rights, ecology, feminism, cultural rights.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (4)
Professional activities (4)
Funding (6)
Works (18)