Personal information

Türkiye, United States


Mahmut A. A. Aslani holds the Professorship of Nuclear Technology from Ege University. He earned his Associate Professor in Chemistry from the Turkish Higher Education Council. He received his Ph.D. from Ege University focused on thorium sorption by using silk fibroin and utilization of low-level radioactive waste. He earned his MSc and BSc degrees from the Institute of Nuclear Science and Chemistry department of the Faculty of Science, respectively, at Ege University. Prof. Aslani has experience in using gamma spectroscopy, alpha spectroscopy, UV-visible spectrophotometry, and emission spectroscopy. Dr. Aslani has also experienced on the separation and purification of uranium, thorium, strontium, and lanthanum using Column Chromatography, HPLC, and ion exchange techniques. Recently he has focused on the synthesis of phosphor materials for thermoluminescence applications and also estimating their thermodynamic properties by molecular dynamics simulations.
Dr. Aslani had an opportunity to visit Dr. Besmann's group at the UofSC focused on molten salt nuclear fuel for 2 years. He also has worked as a Senior Research Scientist at the Radiochemistry Laboratory of the NMSU for 75 days. Dr. Aslani continues his academic activities as a Chemistry Professor at Midlands Technical College.


Employment (2)

Midlands Technical College: Columbia, South Carolina, US

2024-01-08 to present | Chemistry Professor (Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mahmut A. A. ASLANI


1997-09-03 to 2023-07-17 | Prof. Dr. (NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY (CHEMISTRY))
Source: Self-asserted source
Mahmut A. A. ASLANI

Education and qualifications (1)

Ege University, Institute of Nuclear Sciences: Bornova , Izmir, TR

1993-08 to 1996-12 | Ph.D. (Nuclear Technology (chemistry))
Source: Self-asserted source
Mahmut A. A. ASLANI

Professional activities (1)

University of South Carolina: Columbia, South Carolina, US

2020-02 to 2022-03 | Visiting Prof. (Faculty Affiliate) (Mechanical Engineering)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Mahmut A. A. ASLANI