Personal information
Dr. Islam is a Professor of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He completed Bachelor and Master degree in Microbiology from the University of Dhaka, with first class first position. For this achievement he was awarded with Gold medal, Provost Award etc. Also, during bachelor study he achieved prestigious Sumitomo Corporation (Japan) fellowship from the Biological Sciences faculty. He received Honors award for his excellent performance in second master degree in Medical Engineering Science, Yamaguchi University, Japan. To do Ph.D., he was awarded Spanish Govt. fellowship (Modalitat B). To do part of PhD research in the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, he received AGAUR Modalitat-A fellowship from Spanish (Catalan) Government. For his outstanding performance, he achieved Ph.D. with highest Distinction (Cum Laude). For his translational research from bench to industry in the field of cancer biology and epigenetic drug target during his PhD, he was awarded with Knowledge and Technology Transfer award from social council of Spanish (Catalunya) Govt. and Universitat Pompeu Fabra. For his overall outstanding contribution to the biological sciences, he was awarded as the Young Scientist prize from The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS) in 2013 and also Samson H Memorial award in 2017. Dr. Islam is doing research in the field of Medical Biotechnology using the state of the art technologies of genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics. He has vast experience in NGS and other high-throughput technologies. His main interest is epigenetic/genetic mechanisms of cancers & arthritis, emerging infectious disease, drug discovery and vaccine design. He has published over 80 research articles in international journals. He is Associate Fellow of BAS; EC member of National Young Academy of Bangladesh; Young Affiliate of TWAS. Dr. Islam is serving as member of several scientific community, also editorial board member of international journals and actively engage science communications and spreading science to the society. He has received several national and international research grants and supervising graduate and postgraduate students’ research. Furthermore, he is working towards the generation of Bioinformatic work-force in Bangladesh.
Employment (1)
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Works (50 of 122)
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