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Susan Wiksten is an experienced researcher, editor and educator in Comparative and International Education. From 2019 to 2023 she served as Associate Editor to the European Journal of Education. She holds a Ph.D. in Education, with specialization in Comparative and International Education, from the UCLA Graduate School of Education and information Studies (GSEIS), a Master's degree in Comparative and International Education from Université Paris Descartes (Sorbonne) in France and a Master's degree in the humanities from Åbo Akademi University in Finland. Since 2007, she has worked with administration, evaluation, instruction and research in education in Denmark, France, the United States and Finland. In 2019, she developed a new methods course for research in comparative and international education at the UCLA International Institute. She has worked for UNESCO as research consultant in 2020, 2019, as research assistant in 2018, and as coordinator of a workshop at the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development in 2014. She has provided research assistance to the World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES), the UNESCO Chair in Global Learning and Global Citizenship Education at UCLA, and the UCLA International Institute. Her service as Program Chair and Co-Chair of the Teacher Education and the Teaching Profession SIG in CIES (2016-2022) and her contributions as speaker and organizer for the Paulo Freire Institute at UCLA reflect her dedication to supporting the promotion of participatory practices in education.