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Vladimir Stolba has studied Ancient History and Classical Archaeology at St Petersburg University and has his PhD from the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991) and his Dr. phil. (= Dr. habil.) from Aarhus University (2014). In 1995-97, he was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (Munich), and in 2000-2001, he was a senior fellow at the Danish Institute for Advanced Studies in Copenhagen. He has been a Fellow of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences since 2009. His main fields of research have been monetary history and finances of the Greco-Roman world, landscape and settlement archaeology, environmental archaeology and paleoclimate.


Funding (3)

Bifocal perspectives on the Black Sea: macro- and microcosms

2015-12 to 2016-04 | Grant
Carlsberg Foundation (Copenhagen, DK)


Source: Self-asserted source
Vladimir Stolba

Economic Models and Adaptation Strategies in a Varying Cultural and Environmental Context

2010-04 to 2013-10 | Grant
Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF) (Copenhagen, DK)


Source: Self-asserted source
Vladimir Stolba

Centre of Excellence "Centre for Black Sea Studies"

2002-02 to 2010-02 | Grant
Danish National Research Foundation (Copenhagen, DK)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vladimir Stolba

Peer review (8 reviews for 6 publications/grants)

Review activity for Antiquity (1)
Review activity for Journal of archaeological science: reports. (2)
Review activity for Journal of field archaeology (1)
Review activity for Notae Numismaticae. (2)
Review activity for Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology. (1)
Review activity for Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie. (1)