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Works (4)

More than a Hobby: Marine Science Career Development through the Lens of Social Cognitive Career Theory

Current: The Journal of Marine Education
2023-10-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Travis Willingham Windleharth; Lindsay Holladay; Colin Katagiri
Source: check_circle

Families Playing Animal Crossing Together: Coping With Video Games During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Games and Culture
2022-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Katy E. Pearce; Jason C. Yip; Jin Ha Lee; Jesse J. Martinez; Travis W. Windleharth; Arpita Bhattacharya; Qisheng Li
Source: check_circle

“I need to just have a couple of White claws and play animal crossing tonight”: Parents coping with video games during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Psychology of Popular Media
2022-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Katy E. Pearce; Jason C. Yip; Jin Ha Lee; Jesse J. Martinez; Travis Windleharth; Qisheng Li; Arpita Bhattacharya
Source: check_circle

Sensors, Students, and Self: Exploring Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Interest Impact of Ocean Sensor Learning on High School Marine Science Students

2022-02-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Travis W. Windleharth; Colin Katagiri
Source: check_circle
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