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Works (3)

Single Image Reflection Removal Based on Knowledge-Distilling Content Disentanglement

IEEE Signal Processing Letters
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Yan-Tsung Peng; Kai-Han Cheng; I-Sheng Fang; Wen-Yi Peng; Jr-Shian Wu
Source: check_circle

Model-Based Deep Encoding Based on USB Transmission for Modern Edge Computing Architectures

IEEE Access
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Li-Qun Yang; Shanq-Jang Ruan; Kai-Han Cheng; Yan-Tsung Peng
Source: check_circle

Restoration of Images With High-Density Impulsive Noise Based on Sparse Approximation and Ant-Colony Optimization

IEEE Access
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Shih-Chia Huang; Yan-Tsung Peng; Chia-Hao Chang; Kai-Han Cheng; Sha-Wo Huang; Bo-Hao Chen
Source: check_circle