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Nenad Bukvić graduated history and archival science at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb. He successfully defended his Doctoral thesis in 2017 at University of Zagreb, Centre for Croatian Studies. Since September 2009, he is employed in the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb. As archival advisor and research associate, he currently holds the position of assistant director for digital services and development. The subject of his scientific interest are archival theory and practice, records management, ICT and its uses in public administration, as well as Croatian history in the period of socialism, especially history of institutions, cultural history, migrations and Croatian diaspora. He participated in project COURAGE – Cultural Opposition: Understanding the Cultural Heritage of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries (01/02/16 – 31/01/19) funded by Horizon 2020, as the associated member of the Croatian Institute of History’s team, which was responsible for conducting this project in Croatia and Slovenia. Since March 2021 he is participating in the research project CROCEANIA – Exploring emotions in the (re)construction of diaspora identity: Croats in Australia and New Zealand (1945-1991), managed by Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences and funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. Since 2015, he is a member of Editorial Board of Arhivski vjesnik (Bulletin d’ archives), a periodical publication of the Croatian State Archives that publishes works from the field of archival theory and practice, auxiliary sciences of history, history of institutions and information science. Also, he was a member of the Editorial Board and author of several articles for the Emigration: guidebook through fonds and collections of the Croatian State Archives, published in 2015. He is co-author of two exhibitions: The Historical Role of the Croatian Parliament in Preserving Croatian Statehood (2016) and The archaeology of resistance: discovering collections of the cultural opposition in socialist Croatia (2018). He is the author of a monography The Illusion of democracy: The Croatian Parliament during the first years of the communist Croatia (1945-1953), monography Gastarbeiters under surveillance by the State Security Service: selected documents (1963-1977), editor of three books of minutes of the Government of the People's Republic of Croatia and Executive Council of the Parliament of the People's Republic / Socialist Republic of Croatia from the period 1945 – 1963, as well as author of numerous professional and scientific papers in the field of history and archival theory and practice.