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Bruce is a Professor of Finance in the ANU Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Statistics, a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, a Senior Fellow of the Asian Bureau of Finance & Economic Research and a Founding Member of the Finance Research Network FIRN. Bruce has published in the leading Finance journals including the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Management Science and Review of Finance. He has served as a past Managing Editor of the International Review of Finance and Associate Editor of the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Research, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and Accounting and Finance. Professor Grundy has won research and teaching awards including a Geewax-Terker Prize, Batterymarch Fellowship, and Hauck Award. Bruce has consulted for investment banks, corporations, mutual funds, and regulators in Australasia, Europe, and the US.