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Works (3)

Load distribution and passive confinement in reinforced concrete: Development of a mechanical model

Engineering Structures
2024-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Clemens Proksch-Weilguni; Marion Decker; Johann Kollegger
Source: check_circle

First application of the balanced lowering method to build two bridges in Austria

Structural Concrete
2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Johann Kollegger; Dominik Suza; Clemens Proksch‐Weilguni; Wolfgang Träger
Source: check_circle

Longitudinal joints of tubbings with newly designed high‐strength reinforcement

Structural Concrete
2021-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Hannes Wolfger; Clemens Proksch‐Weilguni; Johann Kollegger
Source: check_circle