Personal information
I'm an experienced researcher in the physical-chemistry and rheology of multiphase systems (PhD DSc, assistant professor). I am an author or co-author of two chapters in scientific books "Bubble and Drops Interfaces" and over 80 scientific publications ISI/JCR (Hirsch index =22, over 1600 citations).
My main research topics are connected with: i) adsorption processes, state of adsorption layer at gas/liquid interface under dynamic conditions, ii) foam and emulsion stability and rheology, iii) surface activity of bio-polymers (proteins or polysaccharides, iv) bubble motion in surface active agent solutions,v) flotation and dynamic of three-phase contact formation, vi) solid foam preparation and formation, vii) automatic digital image analysis.
I participated in numerous international fellowship programs founded by European Tempus Erasmus (1998), DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (2003), the French Egide (2005) and the CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (2006), European exchange programs COST (2009, 2013, and 2014) and Erasmus (2014-2019). Between 2004-2007 I was one of the scientific investigators in the European Space Agency project "Hydrodynamics of wet foams" (second and third tasks performed within the framework of post-doctoral internships in France and Belgium).
Since 2022 I am a Leader of the R@D National Science Center of Poland project entitled "Biodegradable, biocompatible and interactive surfactants - as an ecologically safe alternative to synthetic compounds in the generation of foams and emulsions for cosmetic, medical and industrial applications". I have more than 10 years of experience in Polish and European projects related to innovation, entrepreneurship, SMEs support, business development, the infrastructure of research & higher education and technology transfer. My experiences in those areas are also supported by more than 20 specialized courses related to similar subjects organized in the framework of programs "Skills" by the Foundation for Polish Science and "SIMS" Science Infrastructure Management Support by the Polish National Center for Research and Development
Employment (6)
Education and qualifications (4)
Funding (10)
BPN BDE 2024 1 00031