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Works (3)

The Dependence of Water and Gas Breakthrough on the Choice of Model Parameters in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Using Sector and Full Reservoir Models

Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research
2024-05-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Barham Sabir Mahmood; Mohammed Jamal Awl; Farhad Abdulrahman Khoshnaw
Source: check_circle

Experimental Investigation on The Effect of PolyVinyl Alcohol on Cement Fluid Loss in Oil Wells

Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research
Journal article
Contributors: Mohammed Awl
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohammed Awl

Performance evaluation of the new environmentally friendly additive for enhanced fluid loss and rheological properties of drilling fluid

Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Journal article
Contributors: Mohammed Awl
Source: Self-asserted source
Mohammed Awl