Personal information
Graduated in Engineering at the University of Bari (1986), he worked, until 1990, on the study and characterization of metallic and ceramic materials (1988-1990) Institute of Applied Chemistry of Bari - Technical Collaborator).
Afterward, the activity continued at the Department of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials (DCICM) of the University of L'Aquila, directing his studies in the field of conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage (1990-1994 Technical Officer; 1994-2004 University Researcher, Associate Professor since 2005).
From June 2009 he is member of the Department of Civil, Construction-Architecture and Environmental Engineering of the University of L'Aquila and scientific responsable of the "Chemistry and Technology of Materials for the Building Systems" laboratory.
Since 1998 he teached "Chemistry, Technology of Restoration and Conservation of Materials" (Degree Course in Building Engineering - Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering (L'Aquila) and since 2012 that of "Technology of Concrete" (Course Degree in Civil Engineering).
In 1998 he has been a member of the UNI-NORMAL Commission (National Unification-Normative Stone Manufacturing Body) in the GL7 "Laboratory Physical Methodologies" working group and since 2000 in the GL5 "Methodologies for conservative surface treatments: physical laboratory experimentation" .
In 2004, as a national expert, he has collaborated with the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee 346 (TC / 346) "Conservation of Cultural Heritage" - Working Group 3 (WG3) "" Evaluation of Methods and Products for Conservation Works ".
In 2005 he took up service as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of L'Aquila in the SSD ING-IND / 22 "Science and Technology of Materials" (qualification obtained from the Politecnico di Milano).
Within the DCICM he was Responsible for the Direction for the departmental quality system ISO 9001: 2008; Scientific Responsible of the laboratory "MT3 - Chemistry and technology of materials for the environment and building systems"
The research topics, often developed in an interdisciplinary way with other colleagues, concern the in situ and laboratory diagnosis of degradation, the synthesis and characterization of new materials for conservation and restoration as well as the development of artificial aging protocols ( saline crystallization and freezing) and biomaterials for dental implantology, conservation and diagnosis of archaeological sites and concrete infrastructures.
He is the author of 156 publications, of which more than 90 in the field of conservation and restoration.
Updated on 10 November 2022
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (1)
Works (28)