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Gifted education / Inclusive education/Emotional development and high capacities/ Gifted research


I am a Secondary and University Education Professor and a psychologist with a strong interest in inclusive education, educational excellence, and students with educational needs arising from intellectual giftedness within the inclusive framework. My work focuses on advancing neuroscientific research on giftedness, aiming to bridge the gap between neuroscience and educational practice to foster inclusive and high-quality learning environments.


Employment (3)

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya: Barcelona, Barcelona, ES

2021-02-01 to present | Professor of Final Degree Projects (TFG). Developmental Psychology and Education ( Studies in Psychology and Educational Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vilaseca González, Gemma

Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera: Manresa, Barcelona ( Spain), ES

2017-11-12 to present | School principal of Oms i de Prat School (Education)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vilaseca González, Gemma

Fundació Oms: Manresa, Barcelona ( Spain), ES

2000-11-01 to 2022-12-01 | Director and Patron (Psychological Department/ Gifted Education)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vilaseca González, Gemma

Education and qualifications (4)

Universitat de Barcelona: Barcelona, Catalonia, ES

2020 to present | Teacher gifted education. (Psychology. Postgraduate.SPECIFIC LEARNING, LEARNING DIFFICULTIES AND DISORDERS OF THE NEURODEVELOPMENT)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vilaseca González, Gemma

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: Cerdanyola, Barcelona ( Spain), ES

2013-11-01 to present | Gifted Education Teacher (Master in Support for Educational and Social Inclusion)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vilaseca González, Gemma

Oms i de Prat School: Manresa, Barcelona ( Spain), ES

1996-09-01 to present | Secondary School Teacher (Department of Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vilaseca González, Gemma

Universitat de Barcelona: Barcelona, ES

2011-09-01 to 2013-05-09 | Doctorate. Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA) (MIDE: Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vilaseca González, Gemma

Professional activities (3)

The University of Iowa: Des Moines, Iowa, US

2005-04-01 to present | Templeton Fellow. Gifted Education (College of Education. Belink Blank Center)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Vilaseca González, Gemma

Official College of Psychology of Catalonia: Barcelona, Catalonia, ES

2000 to present | Collegiate (School section and clinical section)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vilaseca González, Gemma

The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children: Delaware , Unite States, US

2000 to 2019 | Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Vilaseca González, Gemma

Works (5)

Evaluation of the Impact of the NEST Mentor Training Program and Adaptive Mentoring for Novice Teachers in Disadvantaged Schools in Europe: A Case Study of Seven Educational Systems.

2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Vilaseca González, Gemma
Source: Self-asserted source
Vilaseca González, Gemma


International Neuroeducation Congress
2021-03-14 | Working paper

Source: Self-asserted source
Vilaseca González, Gemma

Structural brain network of gifted children has a more integrated and versatile topology

Brain Structure and Function
2019-09-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Jordi Solé-Casals; Josep M. Serra-Grabulosa; Rafael Romero-Garcia; Gemma Vilaseca; Ana Adan; Núria Vilaró; Núria Bargalló; Edward T. Bullmore
Source: check_circle

Evaluation of the Program for Assessment and Collaborative Intervention in Addressing the Special Educational Needs of Gifted Children in an Inclusive School Context

Gifted children: Challenges and Possibilities
2007-10-05 | Conference paper | Investigation
Contributors: Vilaseca González, Gemma
Source: Self-asserted source
Vilaseca González, Gemma

Teacher attitude towards gifted education. World Council for Gifted and Talented Children

2005-08-06 | Conference poster
Source: Self-asserted source
Vilaseca González, Gemma