Personal information

No personal information available


Employment (4)

CSIRO: Glen Osmond, AU

Source: check_circle

CSIRO: Adelaide, South Australia, AU

2000 to present | Honorary Research Fellow (Executive)
Source: Self-asserted source
John Radcliffe

CSIRO: Adelaide, South Australia, AU

1993 to 1999 | Institute Director; Deputy CEO (Executive)
Source: Self-asserted source
John Radcliffe

Department of Agriculture: Adelaide, South Australia, AU

1985 to 1993 | Director-General of Agriculture
Source: Self-asserted source
John Radcliffe

Education and qualifications (2)

Oregon State University: Corvallis, OR, US

1961 to 1964 | PhD (Crop Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
John Radcliffe

University of Adelaide Waite Campus: Glen Osmond, SA, AU

1956 to 1960 | BAgSc(Hons) (Agronomy)
Source: Self-asserted source
John Radcliffe

Works (23)

Sustainable water reuse for water security

Environmental Research Letters
2025-02-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Cecilia Tortajada; John C Radcliffe; Pierre van Rensburg; Francisco González-Gómez
Source: check_circle

Challenges and adaptation opportunities for the Murray-Darling Basin in response to Climate Change - A series of essays adopting a 50 year perspective

2024-04-24 | Edited book
Contributors: John Radcliffe; Flapper, Therese
Source: check_circle

Assessing the State of Knowledge and Impacts of Recycled Water Irrigation on Agricultural Crops and Soils

2024-01-01 | Report
Contributors: Kisekka, Ilya; Grattan, Stephen; Salcedo, F.P.; Gan, J.; Partyka, M.L.; Bond, Ronald F.; Bernstein, N.; John Radcliffe; Adin, Avner
Source: check_circle

BOOK REVIEW “Cities in a Sunburnt Country: Water and the Making of Urban Australia" By Margaret Cook, Lionel Frost, Andrea Gaynor, Jenny Gregory, Ruth A. Morgan, Martin Shanahan and Peter Spearritt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. 280. A$141.95 cloth.

2023-01-01 | Magazine article
Contributors: John Radcliffe
Source: check_circle

Current status of recycled water for agricultural irrigation in Australia, potential opportunities and areas of emerging concern

2022-02-10 | Journal article
Contributors: John Radcliffe
Source: check_circle

Potable water reuse in Australia: Legal and regulatory frameworks, communication strategies and experience

2021-03-14 | Book chapter
Contributors: Tortajada, Cecilia; John Radcliffe; Robert C. Brears
Source: check_circle

Influence of Australian Agricultural Council and Successors on Australian Agriculture, 1980-2014 2. Protecting and facilitating farm efficiency

2020-06-15 | Journal article
Contributors: John Radcliffe
Source: check_circle

Influence of Australian Agricultural Council and Successors on Australian Agriculture, 1980-2014 3. Managing and Using Australia’s Natural Resources for Agriculture

2020-06-15 | Journal article
Contributors: John Radcliffe
Source: check_circle

Influence of Australian Agricultural Council and Successors on Australian Agriculture, 1980-2014. 1. Operation, Marketing and Responses to the Risks of Farming

2020-06-15 | Journal article
Contributors: John Radcliffe
Source: check_circle

Water reuse and recycling in Australia - history, current situation and future perspectives

2020-05-22 | Journal article
Contributors: John Radcliffe; Declan Page
Source: check_circle

History of Water Sensitive Urban Design / Low Impact Development Adoption in Australia and Internationally

2018-10-18 | Book chapter
Contributors: John Radcliffe; Sharma, Ashok; Gardner, Ted; and Begbie, Don
Source: check_circle

Australia's Water Sensitive Urban Design

2018-09-08 | Conference paper
Contributors: John Radcliffe; Xiaolong He and Dr. Xi Liu
Source: check_circle

The water energy nexus in Australia – the outcome of two crises

2018-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: John Radcliffe
Source: check_circle

Fifty Years of Water Sensitive Urban Design, Salisbury South Australia

2017-08 | Journal article
Contributors: John Radcliffe; Declan Page; Naumann, Bruce; Dillon, Peter
Source: check_circle

The AW Howard Trust - 50 years on

2017-08-01 | Journal article
Contributors: John Radcliffe
Source: check_circle

The Evolution of Low Impact Development

2017-01-20 | Magazine article
Contributors: John Radcliffe
Source: check_circle

Down Under On Top: Lessons in Water Recycling From Australia

2016-07-01 | Magazine article
Contributors: John Radcliffe
Source: check_circle

Water recycling in Australia – during and after the drought

Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: John C. Radcliffe
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Review of the use and potential for dual purpose crops

2012-02-01 | Report
Contributors: John Radcliffe; Dove, Hugh; McGrath, Denis; Martin, Peter; Wolfe, Ted
Source: check_circle

Future directions for water recycling in Australia

2006 | Journal article
Contributors: John Radcliffe
Source: check_circle

Policy issues impacting on crop production in water-limiting environments

2005 | Journal article
Contributors: John Radcliffe
Source: check_circle

Position of the Australian horticultural industry with respect to the use of reclaimed water

2005-02-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Hamilton, A.J.; Boland, A.-M.; Stevens, D.; Kelly, J.; John Radcliffe; Ziehrl, A.; Dillon, P.; Paulin, B.
Source: check_circle

Rural Research in Australia

1996-08-02 | Journal article
Contributors: John Radcliffe; Clarke, A.E.
Source: check_circle

Peer review (5 reviews for 5 publications/grants)

Review activity for Energy efficiency (1)
Review activity for Eng. (1)
Review activity for Science of the total environment. (1)
Review activity for Social sciences. (1)
Review activity for Water. (1)