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Heisenberg Associate Professor for Prehistory and Object Archaeology at the Martin Luther University of Halle, Germany


Works (44)

Fresh light on Balkan prehistory: highlights from Svinjarička Čuka (Serbia)

2025-03-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Barbara Horejs; Aleksandar Bulatović; Michael Brandl; Laura Dietrich; Bogdana Milić; Ognjen Mladenović; Lukas Waltenberger; Lyndelle Webster
Source: check_circle

The Neolithic Site of Eh-Sayyeh / Jordan

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
2024 | Book
Contributors: Karin Bartl; zeidan Kafafi; Thomas Urban; Laura Dietrich; Kristina Pfeiffer; Dörte Rokitta-Krumnow; Bernhard Weninger; mustafa mohammad al-naddaf; Reinder Neef; Norbert Benecke et al.
Source: check_circle

New Multi-disciplinary Data from the Neolithic in Serbia. The 2019 and 2021 Excavations at Svinjarička Čuka

Archaeologia Austriaca
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Barbara Horejs; Aleksandar Bulatović; Jelena Bulatović; Clare Burke; Michael Brandl; Laura Dietrich; Dragana Filipović; Bogdana Milić; Ognjen Mladenović; Nora Schinnerl et al.
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Neolithic grinding practices at Svinjarička Čuka, Serbia

Studia Praehistorica
2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Laura Dietrich; Michael Brandl; Barbara Horejs
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich

Hermetic Cereal Storage in the Bronze Age

Documenta Praehistorica
2022-12-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Laura Dietrich; Oliver Dietrich; Julia Meister
Source: check_circle

Plant food processing tools at early Neolithic Göbekli Tepe

2021 | Book
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via GND Network

Plant food processing tools at Early Neolithic Göbekli Tepe

2021-12-01 | Book
Contributors: Laura Dietrich
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich

Südwestasien. Erstellung einer Referenzkollektion für makro- und mikroskopische Abnutzungsspuren an Reibsteinen Vorderasiens. Die Arbeiten des Jahres 2020

e-Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts
2021-10-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Laura Dietrich
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB)

Bringing Down the Iron Curtain: Paradigmatic Change in Research on the Bronze Age in Central and Eastern Europe?

2020 | Book
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via GND Network

Cereal processing at Early Neolithic Göbekli Tepe, southeastern Turkey

2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Laura Dietrich; Julia Meister; Oliver Dietrich; Jens Notroff; Janika Kiep; Julia Heeb; André Beuger; Brigitta Schütt
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB)

Cereal processing at Early Neolithic Göbekli Tepe, southeastern Turkey

In: PLoS ONE (2019) 14:5, e0215214.
2020 | Book
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura; Meister, Julia; Dietrich, Oliver; Notroff, Jens; Kiep, Janika; Heeb, Julia; Beuger, André; Schütt, Brigitta
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via GND Network

Getreide, Feste, Monumentalbauten

Antike Welt
2020 | Book
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura; Dietrich, Oliver; Götting-Martin, Eva; Ullmann, Christina; Heeb, Julia
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via GND Network

Getreide, Feste, Monumentalbauten

Antike Welt
2020 | Book
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura; Dietrich, Oliver; Götting-Martin, Eva; Ullmann, Christina; Heeb, Julia
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via GND Network

The Meaning of Projectile Points in the Late Neolithic of the Northern Levant: A Case Study from the Settlement of Shir, Syria

Human Conflict from Neanderthals to the Samburu: Structure and Agency in Webs of Violence
2020 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 9783030468231
Part of ISBN: 9783030468248
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich

Investigating the function of Pre-Pottery Neolithic stone troughs from Göbekli Tepe – An integrated approach

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
2020-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2352-409X
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Bread and porridge at Early Neolithic Göbekli Tepe: A new method to recognize products of cereal processing using quantitative functional analyses on grinding stones

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
2020-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2352-409X
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Göbekli Tepe: Agriculture and Domestication

Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology
2020-10 | Other
Contributors: Joris Peters; Klaus Schmidt; Laura Dietrich; Oliver Dietrich; Nadja Pöllath; Moritz Kinzel; Lee Clare
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via Crossref Metadata Search

Bringing Down the Iron Curtain

Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Life and Afterlife of Neolithic "Greenstone" Vessels from Göbekli Tepe

Drawing the Threads Together: Studies on Archaeology in Honour of Karin Bartl
2020-01-01 | Book chapter
Contributors: Laura Dietrich
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich

[Rezension von: Maja Gori, Along the rivers and through the mountains]

2019 | Book review
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via GND Network

Göbekli Tepe: Agriculture and Domestication

Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology
2019 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 9783319517261
Part of ISBN: 9783319517261
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Anthropomorphic Imagery at Göbekli Tepe

Human Iconography and Symbolic Meaning in Near Eastern Prehistory
2019-12-19 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 9783700186588
Part of ISBN: 3700186584
Part of ISBN: 9783700182054
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The meaning of projectile points in the Late Neolithic of the Northern Levant

Documenta Praehistorica
2019-12-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1854-2492
Part of ISSN: 1408-967X
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Rituals and Feasting as Incentives for Cooperative Action at Early Neolithic Göbekli Tepe

Alcohol and Humans
2019-12-05 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 9780198842460
Part of ISBN: 9780191878442
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Markers of “Psycho-Cultural” Change

Handbook of Cognitive Archaeology
2019-07 | Other
Contributors: Oliver Dietrich; Jens Notroff; Sebastian Walter; Laura Dietrich
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via Crossref Metadata Search

Handbook of Cognitive Archaeology

2019-07-24 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 9780429488818
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich

Cereal processing at Early Neolithic Göbekli Tepe, southeastern Turkey

2019-05-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Laura Dietrich; Peter F. Biehl; Julia Meister; Oliver Dietrich; Jens Notroff; Janika Kiep; Julia Heeb; André Beuger; Brigitta Schütt
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Almost a chest hit: An aurochs humerus with hunting lesion from Göbekli Tepe, south-eastern Turkey, and its implications

Quaternary International
2018-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1040-6182
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Deciphering Feasting in the Late Bronze Age Settlement of Rotbav, Transylvania

European Journal of Archaeology
2018-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1461-9571
Part of ISSN: 1741-2722
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Masks and masquerade in the Early Neolithic: a view from Upper Mesopotamia

Time and Mind
2018-01-02 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 1751-696X
Part of ISSN: 1751-6978
Contributors: Oliver Dietrich; Jens Notroff; Laura Dietrich
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich
Preferred source (of 3)‎


Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Notroff, Jens; Dietrich, Oliver; Dietrich, Laura; Tvetmarken, Cecilie Lelek; Kinzel, Moritz; Schlindwein, Jonas; Sonmez, Devrim; Clare, Lee
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

More Than A Vulture: A Response To Sweatman And Tsikritsis

2017-05-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich

Shir, Syrien: Die Arbeiten des Jahres 2014

e-Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts
2017-04-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Laura Dietrich; Cecilie Lelek Tvetmarken
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB)
Preferred source (of 2)‎

<<Die>> mittlere und späte Bronzezeit und die ältere Eisenzeit in Südostsiebenbürgen aufgrund der Siedlung von Rotbav

2014 | Book
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via GND Network

<<Die>> mittlere und späte Bronzezeit und die ältere Eisenzeit in Südostsiebenbürgen aufgrund der Siedlung von Rotbav

2014 | Book
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via GND Network

Die mittlere und späte Bronzezeit und die ältere Eisenzeit in Südostsiebenbürgen aufgrund der Siedlung von Rotbav

2014 | Dissertation or Thesis
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via GND Network

Die mittlere und späte Bronzezeit und die ältere Eisenzeit in Südostsiebenbürgen aufgrund der Siedlung von Rotbav

2014 | Book
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via GND Network

Die mittlere und späte Bronzezeit und die ältere Eisenzeit in Südostsiebenbürgen aufgrund der Siedlung von Rotbav

2014 | Book
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via GND Network

˜Dieœ mittlere und späte Bronzezeit und die ältere Eisenzeit in Südostsiebenbürgen aufgrund der Siedlung von Rotbav

2014 | Dissertation or Thesis
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via GND Network

˜Dieœ mittlere und späte Bronzezeit und die ältere Eisenzeit in Südostsiebenbürgen aufgrund der Siedlung von Rotbav

2014 | Dissertation or Thesis
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via GND Network

Neck rings in the central Balkans (Vojvodina, Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia)

Praehistorische Zeitschrift
2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Wietenberg without Mycenae? Thoughts on the Origin and Significance of the Ceramic Ornamentation of the Wietenberg Culture

Praehistorische Zeitschrift
2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura; Dietrich, Oliver
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Elites of the early and middle Bronze Age in the South-Eastern Carpatian Basin

Praehistorische Zeitschrift
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Aes aeterna

2009 | Book
Contributors: Dietrich, Laura; Soroceanu, Tudor
Source: Self-asserted source
Laura Dietrich via GND Network