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Works (2)

Observations of the irradiation hardening behavior in neutron irradiated HT-9 steels through in situ TEM nano-mechanical tests

Journal of Nuclear Materials
2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Tanvi Ajantiwalay; Brandon Bohanon; Patrick H. Warren; Megha Dubey; Yaqiao Wu; Janelle P. Wharry; Assel Aitkaliyeva
Source: check_circle

Design of specimen holders for flow accelerated corrosion experiments in molten lead with numerical evaluation of pressure losses

Nuclear Engineering and Design
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Khaled Talaat; Md Mehadi Hassan; Cemal Cakez; Shuprio Ghosh; Brandon Bohanon; Keith Woloshun; Cetin Unal; Osman Anderoglu
Source: check_circle