Personal information


G.P. Li is a professor at the University of California, Irvine, with appointments in three departments: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, and Biomedical Engineering. At UCI, he also serves as director of the Integrated Nanosystems Research Facility in The Henry Samueli School of Engineering and director of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) @ UCI. Li holds 40 U.S. patents, has 10 patents pending and has published more than 420 research papers involving microelectronic devices and technologies, microwave circuit design, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) for communication and biomedical instrumentation applications, machine learning (AI) for energy management and smart manufacturing, and bio-nano-IT technology. He received his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Taiwan, and his master’s and doctorate degrees, also in electrical engineering, from UCLA. During his tenure as a research staff member and manager of the technology group at IBM’s T. J. Watson Research Center (1983-1988), Li worked in the area of VLSI technology and led a research/development team to transfer the technology into the marketplace. In 1987, he chaired a committee charged with defining IBM’s semiconductor technology roadmap beyond the year 2000. A member of numerous technical committees at professional conferences, Li was chair of the Taiwan VLSI Technology, Circuit, and System Conference in 2006. He also served as chair of the executive committee for electronics manufacturing research and new materials at the University of California. Li received an outstanding research contribution award from IBM (1987), two outstanding engineering professor awards from UCI (1997 and 2001), the UCI Innovators Award (2005), best paper award from the ITC International Telemetering Conference (2005), outstanding Asian American and Pacific Islander Community Leaders and Role Models award by the Asian Business Association of Orange County (2009), Outstanding Alumni Award by National Cheng Kung University Alumni Association, North America (NCKUaaNA) (2017), and UCI Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Fostering Undergraduate Research designated by the Henry Samueli School of Engineering (2018). Li has been involved in several startup companies as a co-founder or member of the technical advisory board. Currently, he directs TechPortal, a technology business incubator housed at the Calit2@UCI, which supports and nurtures young companies and university researchers commercializing their technologies. His current research interests focus on developing data-centric technologies for efficient energy utilization and consumption, and e-health.


Employment (1)

IBM Research: Yorktown Heights, NY, US

1983-10 to 1988-07 | Research staff and Manager (Advanced Bipolar Technology Group)
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

Education and qualifications (3)

University of California Los Angeles: Los Angeles, CA, US

1983 | Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

University of California Los Angeles: Los Angeles, CA, US

1982 | M. Sc. (Electrical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

National Cheng Kung University: Tainan, TW

1978 | B.Sc. (Electrical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

Professional activities (13)

Sensors and Materials Journal: Tokyo, JP

2012 to present | Reviewer (Sensors and Materials)
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices: New York, US

1985 to present | Reviewer (Electron Device)
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

Journal of Applied Physics: New York, US

1983 to present | Reviewer (Applied Physics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

Ninth International Conference on Energy Efficiency Devices and Lighting: Irvine, CA, US

2017 to 2017 | Chair (Conference )
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

IEEE OC Section Executive advisory committee : Irvine, CA, US

2012 to 2015 | committee member
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

SoCal Smart Grid Symposium : Los Angeles, CA, US

2009 to 2014 | program committee member
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

IEEE LEOS optofluidic: New York, US

2006 to 2006 | Program Committee (Optofluidic)
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

Taiwan VLSI Technology Circuit and Systems Conference: Taipei, TW

2005 to 2006 | Conference Chair
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

Taiwan VLSI Technology, Circuit, and System Conference: Taipei, Taiwan, TW

2004 to 2005 | Conference program chair
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

Taiwan VLSI Technology, Circuit, and System Conference: Taipei, Taiwan, TW

2002 to 2004 | program committee chair
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

Taiwan VLSI Technology, Circuit, and System Conference: Taipei, Taiwan, TW

1998 to 2000 | program committee member
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

International Reliability Physics Society: Reno, NV, US

1998 to 2000 | Program Committee
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li

SPIE: Bellingham, WA, US

1995 to 1997 | Program Committee (Microelectronic Manufacturing Optical Characterization)
Source: Self-asserted source
Guann-Pyng (G.P.) Li