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João Miguel Dias holds a PhD in Physics and is Full Professor in the Department of Physics of the University of Aveiro, where he is the current Director. He founded and leads the Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Division (, and is a researcher at the Centre for Environment and Marine Studies) (CESAM), where he is Scientific Vice-Coordinator and Co-Coordinator of the Integrated Environmental Systems thematic line. With more than 30 years of professional experience, he is a specialist in the numerical modeling of physical processes in estuarine and coastal zones, highlighting his significant contribution to the study of the hydrodynamics of the Ria de Aveiro. He has participated and coordinated several national and international research projects and has extensive experience in consulting for public and private organizations. He is the editor and reviewer of a large number of international journals, and has integrated project and scholarships evaluation panels in the field of marine science for various national and international agencies. He is the author of over 220 papers in international journals in the areas of Environmental Sciences and Oceanography, and supervised a significant number of postdoctoral researchers and PhD and MSc students.
Employment (9)
Education and qualifications (4)
Funding (39)
Cod. 2018-2019-3A9-345
Acção NºE-91/08
PDCTM/C/MAR/15275/1999 + POCTI/MAR/15275/99
PRAXIS XXI 2/2.1/MAR/1750/95