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Mindy Buchanan-King is pursuing her Ph.D. in American literature at UNC Chapel Hill and is a teaching fellow and teaching assistant. She is also pursuing the graduate certificate in Literature, Medicine, and Culture. Mindy is originally from Virginia and received her B.A. from Emory & Henry College and her M.A. from the College of Charleston. Her master’s thesis focused on Edith Wharton’s use of Romanticism in conceptualizing the artistic self in Hudson River Bracketed. Her current graduate research endeavors are centered in the health humanities. Using archival materials and special collections, she focuses on diseases of the female reproductive system in 19th-century America, including questions of lived experiences, healing, wounding, representation, race, and class.
Mindy is a co-executive editor for Iris: The Art and Literary Journal at UNC and is a graduate research assistant with the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. She also volunteers as a transcriber on the original manuscript of Edith Wharton’s Hudson River Bracketed, for The Complete Works of Edith Wharton to be published by Oxford University Press.