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geospatial data, interoperability, cartography, remote sensing, GIS, LULC


Ms. Ivette Serral is BSc in Environmental Sciences for the UAB and MSc in Remote Sensing & GIS for the UAB. With more than ten years of experience in GIS and imagery research and European and national projects management. Member of the Grumets Research Group and based in CREAF (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), she is focused on all the processes involving geospatial data: from quality data and semantics description in metadata to massive data processing (for LULC and landscape fragmentation maps), to map browser visualization and distribution (trough OGC standards). Through H2020 ConnectinGEO and ERA-PLANET GEOEssential, she gained some experience in EO in-situ data and Essential Variables, also in relation to SDGs. She is involved in the development of the MiraMon software for GIS&RS, the MiraMon Map Browser and the GeM+ for metadata management.

Member of the SGR Grumets Research Group since 2009 (SGR 2017 n. 1690, SGR 2014 n. 1491 and SGR 2009 n. 1511). Co-leader of the Essential Variables Community Activity in GEO. Involved in the EuroGEO ECO-BIO Action Group and the EuroGEO Action Group on the Green Deal Data Space. She co-coordinated the GeoViQua FP7 project (2007-2013) and the ConnectinGEO H2020 (2015-2017).


Employment (1)

Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals: Bellaterra, Catalunya, ES

Source: Self-asserted source
Ivette Serral