Personal information
Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Wildlife Studios (Jul/2021 - current). Worked on Research, Development and Innovation projects at Accenture (October/2019 - Oct/2020) and Eldorado Institute (Oct/2020 - Jul/2021). On March/2020, defended the PhD thesis in Applied Computing at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) entitled "Machine and Deep Learning Applied to Galaxy Morphology". PhD research fellow for one year at Brandeis University in the Boston area (October/2018 - September/2019). Previous experience as Information Technology analyst at different companeis (Zarp Systems - 2010, SST IT Solutions - 2011, PST Eletronics - 2015, SABER Tecnologias Educacionais e Sociais - 2016). In Masters course (2012 - 2015), at Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), improved and updated a component for ontology extension through machine reading of the system called NELL (Never-Ending Language Learner) of Read the Web project from Carnegie Mellon University. Graduate at Computer Science from Federal University of São Carlos (2010). Researched about Machine Translation with Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Undergraduate Research program (2010).
Employment (7)
Education and qualifications (4)
Works (6)