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Works (3)

Detecting Glaucoma from Fundus Photographs Using Deep Learning without Convolutions

Ophthalmology Science
2023-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Rui Fan; Kamran Alipour; Christopher Bowd; Mark Christopher; Nicole Brye; James A. Proudfoot; Michael H. Goldbaum; Akram Belghith; Christopher A. Girkin; Massimo A. Fazio et al.
Source: check_circle

Deep Learning Approaches Predict Glaucomatous Visual Field Damage from OCT Optic Nerve Head En Face Images and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Maps

2020-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Mark Christopher; Christopher Bowd; Akram Belghith; Michael H. Goldbaum; Robert N. Weinreb; Massimo A. Fazio; Christopher A. Girkin; Jeffrey M. Liebmann; Linda M. Zangwill
Source: check_circle

Optic nerve head problem

Survey of Ophthalmology
2019-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Rohan Verma; Kevin C. Chen; Hema L. Ramkumar; Michael H. Goldbaum; Carol L. Shields
Source: check_circle