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Employment (4)

Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas: Madrid, Madrid, ES

2017-09-17 to present | Researcher (Biomass Unit)
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid: Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, ES

2000-09-01 to 2016-12-31 | Research (Grupo de Agroenergética)
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

COAG- SEGOVIA. : Segovia, Cuellar, ES

1999-03-24 to 2000-03-23 (Cultivos energéticos, plantas aromáticas y medicinales)
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

ARVE 97: Madrid, Madrid, ES

1998-05-18 to 1999-02-28 (Registro Vitivinícola de España)
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Education and qualifications (4)

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid: Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, ES

Ingeniero Agrónomo
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid: Madrid, Madrid, ES

Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Universidad de Valladolid: Valladolid, Castilla y León, ES

Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid: Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, ES

2012-12-17 | Doctor Ingeniero Agrónomo
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Works (50 of 66)

Items per page:
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Cultivos intermedios: una oportunidad para el desarrollo del biogás en España

Editorial Fundación Naturgy
2024 | Book
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Cultivating Resilience: Cistus ladanifer L. Growth on Marginal Lands

5th International Multidisciplinary Conference for Young Researchers (MCYR) 'Resilience in the Face of Global Challenges'.
2024-10-03 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

BEONNAT – Innovative value chains from tree & shrub species grown in marginal lands as a source of biomass for bio-based industries

32nd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
2024-06 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Monitoring Biodiversity In Novel Low-Input Intercropping Systems For Bio-Based Feedstock

32nd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
2024-06 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

A New Mapping Approach for the Identification of Marginal Agricultural Lands Based on Biophysical Factors in the Framework of the BeonNAT Project

Proceedings of the 31st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: P. Pérez; C. Martin-Sastre; M. Sanz; M.P. Ciria; L.S. Esteban
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Identification of early abandonment in cropland through radar-based coherence data and application of a Random-Forest model

GCB Bioenergy
2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 17571707 17571693
Contributors: Meijninger, W.; Elbersen, B.; van Eupen, M.; Mantel, S.; Ciria, P.; Parenti, A.; Sanz Gallego, M.; Perez Ortiz, P.; Acciai, M.; Monti, A.
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Towards identifying industrial crop types and associated agronomies to improve biomass production from marginal lands in Europe

GCB Bioenergy
2022-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1757-1693
Part of ISSN: 1757-1707
Contributors: Danilo Scordia; Eleni G. Papazoglou; Danai Kotoula; Marina Sanz; Carlos S. Ciria; Javier Pérez; Oksana Maliarenko; Oleh Prysiazhniuk; Moritz Von Cossel; Beatrice E. Greiner et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Yield Performance of Woody Crops on Marginal Agricultural Land in Latvia, Spain and Ukraine

2022-04 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Santa Celma; MARINA Sanz Gallego; Pilar Ciria; Oksana Maliarenko; Oleh Prysiazhniuk; Mudrite Daugaviete; Dagnija Lazdina; Moritz Von Cossel
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Advantages and disadvantages of cultivating fast growing trees on marginal land.

32th Annual meeting AAIC. Industrial crops and products unlocking the potential of bioeconomy
2021-09 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

An overview of industrial crops on European marginal lands.

32th Annual meeting AAIC. Industrial crops and products unlocking the potential of bioeconomy
2021-09 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Case Study Reports Soria (Spain). In: Analysis of actual land availability in the EU, trends in unused, abandoned land and degraded (non-), agricultural land and use for energy and other non- food crop

Comisión Europea
2020 | Book
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Fertigation of Arundo donax L. with different nitrogen rates for biomass production

Biomass and Bioenergy
2020 | Journal article


Contributors: Cano-Ruiz, J.; Sanz, M.; Curt, M.D.; Plaza, A.; Lobo, M.C.; Mauri, P.V.
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego via Scopus - Elsevier

Biomass yield of Siberian elm under different crop conditions on marginal agricultural land

28th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, Virtual
2020-07 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Long-Term Yield and Quality Performance of Perennial Energy Grasses on Marginal Land

2020-07 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego
Preferred source (of 3)‎

1. Marginal Agricultural Land Low-Input Systems for Biomass Production.

2019 | Book
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Caña Común (Arundo donax L.) para producción de energía.

Séptimas Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Universidad de Alcalá.
2019 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Marginal agricultural land low-input systems for biomass production

2019 | Journal article


Contributors: Von Cossel, M.; Lewandowski, I.; Elbersen, B.; Staritsky, I.; Van Eupen, M.; Iqbal, Y.; Mantel, S.; Scordia, D.; Testa, G.; Cosentino, S.L. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego via Scopus - Elsevier

Identification of Arable Marginal Lands under Rainfed Conditions for Bioenergy Purposes in Spain

2019-03 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Carlos S. Ciria; MARINA Sanz Gallego; Juan Carrasco; Pilar Ciria
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Effect of water regime change in a mature Arundo donax crop under a Xeric Mediterranean climate

Biomass and Bioenergy
2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Curt, M.D.; Sanz, M.; Mauri, P.V.; Plaza, A.; Cano-Ruiz, J.; Sànchez, J.; Aguado, P.L.; Chaya, C.; Fernàndez, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego via Scopus - Elsevier

Estimation and geographic distribution of marginal agricultural lands in spain with bioenergy potential

European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings
2018 | Conference paper


Contributors: Ciria, C.S.; Carrasco, J.; Sanz, M.; Ciria, P.
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego via Scopus - Elsevier

Estimation and geographic distribution of marginal agricultural lands in Spain with bioenergy potential

26th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
2018-05 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Mapping Marginal land potentially available for industrial crops in Europe

26th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
2018-05 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

From Irrigated to rainfed agricultura in mediterranean environment: the shift in biomass yield of the Arundo crop over the seasons

25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
2017 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

From irrigated to rainfed agriculture in a mediterranean environment: The shift in biomass yield of the arundo crop over the seasons

European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings
2017 | Conference paper


Contributors: Curt, M.D.; Sanz, M.; Mauri, P.V.; Plaza, A.; Cano-Ruiz, J.; Sánchez, J.; Aguado, P.L.; Fernández, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego via Scopus - Elsevier

The ability of the Arundo donax crop to compete with weeds in central Spain over two growing cycles

Industrial Crops and Products
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Curt, M.D.; Mauri, P.V.; Sanz, M.; Cano-Ruiz, J.; del Monte, J.P.; Aguado, P.L.; Sánchez, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Vegetative propagation of Ulmus pumila L. by stem cuttings with a view to the development of bred lines for woody biomass plantations

25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
2017 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Vegetative propagation of Ulmus Pumila L. By stem cuttings with a view to the development of bred lines for woody biomass plantations

European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings
2017 | Conference paper


Contributors: Bautista, I.; Mauri, P.V.; Plaza, A.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Amorós, M.C.; Sanz, M.; Curt, M.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego via Scopus - Elsevier

Effect of nitrogen fertigation on the yield of Arundo donax L. grown in central Spain

24th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, Virtual
2016 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Effect of nitrogen fertigation on the yield of Arundo donax L. Grown in central Spain

European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings
2016 | Conference paper


Contributors: Cano-Ruiz, J.; Sanz, M.; Curt, M.D.; Plaza, A.; Guerrero, A.M.; Lobo, M.C.; Mauri, P.V.
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego via Scopus - Elsevier

Effect of plant density on biomass yield of Cynara cardunculus

Acta Horticulturae
2016 | Book


Contributors: Sanz, M.; Mauri, P.V.; Curt, M.D.; Sánchez, J.; García-Müller, M.; Plaza, A.; Fernández, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego via Scopus - Elsevier

Energy and compositional characteristics of giant reed grown under different levels of water defici

24th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
2016 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Energy and compositional characteristics of giant reed grown under different levels of water deficit

European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings
2016 | Conference paper


Contributors: Curt, M.D.; Sanz, M.; Sánchez, J.; Aguado, P.L.; Fernández, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego via Scopus - Elsevier

Growing a population of cultivated cardoon (Cynara cardunculus var. Altilis DC) for further selection as a reference energy crop

Acta Horticulturae
2016 | Book


Contributors: Mauri, P.V.; Plaza, A.; Amorós, M.C.; Ruiz-Fernández, J.; Curt, M.D.; Sanz, M.; Fernández, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego via Scopus - Elsevier

Effect of plant density on biomass yield of Cynara cardunculus L.

Acta Horticulturae 1147: 385-392.
2016-06-08 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Growing a population of Cynara cardunculus L. for further selection as a reference energy crop

Acta Horticulturae 1147: 217-222. .
2016-03-03 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Influence of planting season on Siberian elm yield and economic prospects

23rd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
2015 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

To what extent is weeding a key practice for Arundo growth in the establishment year of the crop?

23rd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
2015 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Effect of wáter regime change in a mature Arundo donax crop under a Xeric Mediterranean climate

Biomass and Bioenergy 115: 203- 209.
2015-03-15 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

A proposal for pellet production from residual woody biomass in the island of Majorca (Spain)

AIMS Energy, 3 (3): 480-504. doi: 10.3439/energy.2015.3.480 ISSN (Online):2333-8334
2015-03-07 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Potential of Energy crops for in-situ applications in a farm of Central Spain.

18th Int. Congress on Project Management and Engineering. AEIPRO
2014 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Potential of four selected clones of Cynara cardunculus L. for oil production

2014 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Response of 1-Node-Cuttings of Arundo donax Clones to Salinity Stress Conditions

2014 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Selección y multiplicación de plantas de olmo de Siberia (Ulmus pumila L.) para la realización de plantaciones energéticas y su aprovechamiento in situ en la zona Centro de España

VII Congreso de Mejora Genética de Plantas. AIDA-CIHEAM
2014 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Variability of Arundo donax growth in dry-farming as a function of soil properties

Int. Conf. Agricultural Engineering
2014 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Harvest mechanisation of Arundo donax L. in Spain

21st EU Biomass Biomass Conference & Exhibition
2013 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Effect of land slope on biomass production of Cynara cardunculus L

20th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
2012 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Energy conversion of cynara biomass and valorization of by product

20th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
2012 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Assessment of commercial varieties of sorghum as short cycle crops for biomass and sugars production

19th European Biomass Conference
2011 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Assessment of Siberian elm coppicing cycle

19th European Biomass Conference
2011 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego

Biomass potential of triticale and rye in two different phenological stages and energy characterization

19th European Biomass Conference
2011 | Conference paper
Contributors: MARINA Sanz Gallego
Source: Self-asserted source
MARINA Sanz Gallego
Items per page:
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