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Works (8)

Multipath Exploitation for Human Activity Recognition Using a Radar Network

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Ronny Gerhard Guendel; Nicolas C. Kruse; Francesco Fioranelli; Alexander Yarovoy
Source: check_circle

Classification Strategies for Radar-Based Continuous Human Activity Recognition With Multiple Inputs and Multilabel Output

IEEE Sensors Journal
2024-12-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Ingrid Ullmann; Ronny G. Guendel; Nicolas Christian Kruse; Francesco Fioranelli; Alexander Yarovoy
Source: check_circle

Continuous Human Activity Recognition With Distributed Radar Sensor Networks and CNN–RNN Architectures

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Simin Zhu; Ronny Gerhard Guendel; Alexander Yarovoy; Francesco Fioranelli
Source: check_circle

Dataset of continuous human activities performed in arbitrary directions collected with a distributed radar network of five nodes

2022 | Dataset
Contributors: Ronny Gerhard Guendel; Matteo Unterhorst; Francesco Fioranelli; Alexander Yarovoy
Source: check_circle

Distributed radar fusion and recurrent networks for classification of continuous human activities

IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation
2022-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Ronny G. Guendel; Francesco Fioranelli; Alexander Yarovoy
Source: check_circle

Dataset of continuous human activities performed in arbitrary directions collected with a distributed radar network of five nodes

2021 | Dataset
Contributors: Ronny Gerhard Guendel; Matteo Unterhorst; Francesco Fioranelli; Alexander Yarovoy
Source: check_circle

Dataset of continuous human activities performed in arbitrary directions collected with a distributed radar network of five nodes

2021-11-02 | Dataset | Author


Contributors: Ronny Gerhard Guendel; Francesco Fioranelli; Alexander Yarovoy; Matteo Unterhorst
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Phase-Based Classification for Arm Gesture and Gross-Motor Activities Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients

IEEE Sensors Journal
2021-03-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Ronny Gerhard Guendel; Francesco Fioranelli; Alexander Yarovoy
Source: check_circle