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I am a doctor, editor, and researcher currently living in Napoli, Italia. My interests range from technology to travel. I am also interested in innovation, jazz, and wine.
I'm a nonacademic cardiac surgeon involved in the field of heart transplantation during the last 15 years with a strong scientific activity in the field of transplantation, mechanical valve, and mechanical circulatory support.
Born in Naples, I was graduated in Naples at the Second University of Naples where I completed in 2003 my training in cardiovascular surgery.
I'm an active promoter of heart donation for the European Cardiothoracic Transplant Association (ECTTA) stimulating and coordinating the writing process of the European Consensus Conference on thoracic donors and promoting the ESOT E-Learning educational Platform. (
I take an active part to the editorial board and the historic's committee of the ASAIO and I am an active reviewer for many journals and international meetings, worthy to be named a top peer reviewer in 2017.
During last years undertake a national network looking to expand the adoption of mechanical circulatory support in Italy under the auspices of National Transplant Center and the Italian Society of Cardiac Surgery.
See medal from @publons Peer Review Awards: #SentinelsofScience
During last Year i was an added editor of the book " Mechanical Circulatory Support in End-Stage Heart Failure" of Montalto et al. and i am now promoting a new book on "Heart Transplantation" with Loforte et al.