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Works (7)

Flexible Fiber-Optic Scope Use in Retrieval Medicine: A Case Series

Air Medical Journal
2024-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Thomas Brown; Oliver Cook; Clare Hayes-Bradley
Source: check_circle

Predictive and protective factors for failing first pass intubation in prehospital rapid sequence intubation: an aetiology and risk systematic review with meta-analysis

British Journal of Anaesthesia
2024-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Clare Hayes-Bradley; Michael McCreery; Ashleigh Delorenzo; Jason Bendall; Anthony Lewis; Kelly-Ann Bowles
Source: check_circle

Factors Associated With Desaturation in Prehospital Rapid Sequence Intubation in a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service

Air Medical Journal
2024-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Clare Hayes-Bradley; Mathew Miller; Bi Hua Kua; Dassen Ragavan; Amy Gospel; Christopher Partyka; Jimmy M. Bliss; Ian M.C. Ferguson
Source: check_circle

Re: DIDO: Dubious (weight‐estimation) data in, dubious (dosing) data out

Emergency Medicine Australasia
2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Clare Hayes‐Bradley; Madelaine Tarrant
Source: check_circle

Rocuronium ≤1.5 mg/kg versus >1.5 mg/kg and inadequate paralysis in prehospital and retrieval intubation: A retrospective study

Emergency Medicine Australasia
2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Clare Hayes‐Bradley; Madelaine Tarrant
Source: check_circle

Describing the Challenges of Prehospital Rapid Sequence Intubation by Macintosh Blade Video Laryngoscopy Recordings

Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
2022-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Clare Hayes-Bradley; Hugo Gemal; Matthew Miller; Sandra Ware
Source: check_circle

Preoxygenation via a non‐rebreather mask comparing a standard oxygen flowmeter rate of 15 Lpm to maximally open

Emergency Medicine Australasia
2017-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Clare Hayes‐Bradley; David McQuade; Matthew Miller
Source: check_circle