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Dr Rich Fry is Professor of Environment and Health at the Environment and Health (ENVHE) Research Centre within the Population Data Science Team at Swansea University. Rich graduated with a BSc (Hons) Physical Geography from Swansea before completing an MSc and PhD in GIS and computing at the University of South Wales following some time out in industry. Following a post-doctoral position at the Wales Institute for Socio-Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) he returned to Swansea, joining the Medical School as a Senior Research Officer specialising in GIS and privacy protecting spatial data linkage. Rich is the lead of the Environment and Health Research Centre (ENVHE) which uses advanced data analysis techniques to understand the factors that influence health and wellbeing. ENVHE brings together geographers, epidemiologists, statisticians, and data scientists who work with the routine health and social care data held within the SAIL Databank to produce policy-relevant insights.
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