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Works (9)

Identity verification of monoclonal antibodies by triple injection capillary zone electrophoresis

Journal of Separation Science
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Johan A. Carlsson; Maria Löfgren; Ahmad Amini
Source: check_circle

Conditioned serum in vitro treatment of chondrocyte pellets and osteoarthritic explants

Equine Veterinary Journal
2023-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Maria Löfgren; Stina Ekman; Josefine Ekholm; Mona Engström; Cathrine T. Fjordbakk; Emilia Svala; Karin Holm Forsström; Anders Lindahl; Eva Skiöldebrand
Source: check_circle

Conditioned serum in vitro treatment of chondrocyte pellets and osteoarthritic explants

Equine Veterinary Journal
2022-04-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Maria Löfgren; Stina Ekman; Josefine Ekholm; Mona Engström; Cathrine T. Fjordbakk; Emilia Svala; Karin Holm Forsström; Anders Lindahl; Eva Skiöldebrand
Source: check_circle

Expression of xenobiotic metabolising enzymes in lungs of horses with or without histological evidence of lower airway inflammation

Veterinary Medicine and Science
2021-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Maria Löfgren; Pia Larsson; Ronny Lindberg; Katarina Hörnaeus; Eva Tydén
Source: check_circle

Time-dependent changes in gene expression induced in vitro by interleukin-1β in equine articular cartilage

Research in Veterinary Science
2018-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Maria Löfgren; Emilia Svala; Anders Lindahl; Eva Skiöldebrand; Stina Ekman
Source: check_circle

An inflammatory equine model demonstrates dynamic changes of immune response and cartilage matrix molecule degradation in vitro.

2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Svala E; Löfgren M; Sihlbom C; Rüetschi U; Lindahl A; Ekman S; Skiöldebrand E
Source: Self-asserted source
Maria Löfgren via Europe PubMed Central

Cell and matrix modulation in prenatal and postnatal equine growth cartilage, zones of Ranvier and articular cartilage.

2014-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Löfgren M; Ekman S; Svala E; Lindahl A; Ley C; Skiöldebrand E
Source: Self-asserted source
Maria Löfgren via Europe PubMed Central

The genes of all seven CYP3A isoenzymes identified in the equine genome are expressed in the airways of horses.

2013-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Tydén E; Löfgren M; Hakhverdyan M; Tjälve H; Larsson P
Source: Self-asserted source
Maria Löfgren via Europe PubMed Central

Differential gene expression of CYP3A isoforms in equine liver and intestines.

2012-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Tydén E; Löfgren M; Pegolo S; Capolongo F; Tjälve H; Larsson P
Source: Self-asserted source
Maria Löfgren via Europe PubMed Central