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I am Associate Professor and the founder of the Mechatronics Engineering Technology and its Multimillion Robotics facility of the department of Engineering Technologies at Bowling Green State University. Prior to joining BGSU in 2013, I was senior research scientist and the Director of Robotics at the University of Texas at Arlington Research Institute (UTARI). Also I was Associate Professor of Research at the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Texas at Arlington.
I received a bachelor of Mechanical Engineering degree from Jordan University of Science and Technology, a Master degree and a Ph.D. degree; all in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington. I have extensive and proven research and development experience in various areas of advanced manufacturing and product development predominately in Microsystem and Assistive Robotics with novel applications including medical device and sensor and actuator technologies. I have over 30 scholarly articles, one US. Patent and one pending US. Patent. I helped developing international collaborative programs for faculty and student exchange between Middle Eastern and US. institutions, and helped in the development of regional consortium in Northwest Ohio for workforce development.
I served as PI, Co-PI and key contributor on more than 28 grants (external, internal, contracts, sub award, and donation) and with ($11,168,376 in UTA, and $2,621,888 in BGSU), funded by various agencies including AFIRM US. Army, DoD Air-Force, Office of Naval Research, RAPIDS ODHE, and many High-Tech. industries. All my grants were collaborative in nature and required interdisciplinary team of faculty and engineers. For instance, I worked with Princeton Lightwave Company as the academic PI for two successful SBIR phases funded by Air-Force grant “Disruptive techniques for hybridization of focal plane arrays for optical imaging sensors”; where my novel approach in developing precision manufacturing process for the assembly of infrared night vision wafer sensor led to a total award of (Phas1 I: $70k, and PII: $749,681). I was the sub award PI for a Multimillions dollar product development of medical device for animal study through “Biomechanical Interface for Optimized Delivery of MEMS Orchestrated Mammalian Epimorphosis”; a grant from the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine-US. Army, and in collaboration with a PI from McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Pittsburg. I was a Co-investigator and lead scientist on “Development of Microsystem Platforms in Hazardous environments Applications to Munitions and Enhancement”, a ($6,530,046) grant from Office of Naval Research which aimed at development of Smart Texas Micro-factory. Currently, I am working with local universities, community colleges and industries to consolidate resources and prepare graduate ready for the industry of Tomorrow through the advanced manufacturing consortium. This collaborative effort has led so far to secure two external funds from Northwest Ohio Regional Training Hub, Regionally Aligned Priorities in Delivering Skills Program with more than two million dollar of shared equipment. This is in addition to my past contributions in administrating faculty & staff to obtain major grants while I was director of robotics in UTARI, one of which is the NSF-DARPA's Robotic Challenge awarded in 2012.