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Works (3)

Radio Resource Allocation in 5G/B5G Networks: A Dimension Reduction Approach Using Markov Decision Processes

2025 | Book chapter
Contributors: Lucas Inglés; Olivier Tsemogne; Claudina Rattaro
Source: check_circle

Adaptive End-to-End Monitoring Framework for Heterogeneous 5G and Beyond Networks

2024-12-09 | Conference paper
Contributors: Leandro Alfonso; Nicolás Rivoir; Lucas Inglés; Claudina Rattaro; Alberto Castro
Source: check_circle

Development of New Radio Schedulers in OpenAirInterface

2024-08-15 | Conference paper
Contributors: Pablo Andrés Vázquez; Walter Piastri; Wilder Pena; Lucas Ingles; Claudina Rattaro
Source: check_circle