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Supply Chain Management, Operations Research, Urban Logistics, Artificial Intelligence
United States


Dr. Edgar Gutierrez-Franco, is a Research Affiliate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, CTL. He also serves since 2009 as a Research Affiliate at the Center for Latin America Logistics Innovation (CLI) part of the MIT Global SCALE network and is Fulbright Scholar since 2014. Dr. Edgar has over fifteen years of experience in data and model-driven decision-making solutions to support business operations. His specialties are in Supply Chain Management, Omnichannel Retail Logistics Operations, Applied Optimization and Machine Learning. He has experience in the consultancy, retail, and beverage industry and in academia (LATAM and USA) in projects and training activities related with Operations Research and Supply Chain Management. His educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from the University of La Sabana, an MSc. in Industrial Engineering (Operations Research and Statistics) from the University of Los Andes (2008), and a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management Systems from the University of Central Florida (2019). During his time as a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Transportation and Logistics (2009-2010), he participated in projects of MIT CTL’s corporate partners in Supply Chain Innovation in Emerging Markets and Carbon-Efficient Supply Chains.


Employment (3)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge, MA, US

2022-09-01 to present | Research Affiliate (Center for Transportation and Logistics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge Massachusetts US, Massachusetts, US

2021-05-16 to 2022-08-07 | Postdoctoral Associate (Supply Chain Management)
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco

University of Central Florida: Orlando, FL, US

2015-08-15 to 2021-05-14 (Industrial Engineering and Management Systems)
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco

Education and qualifications (1)

University of Central Florida: Orlando, FL, US

2019-08-07 | PhD Industrial Engineering.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco

Professional activities (3)

Production & Operations Management Society: Bogota, Colombia, CO

2023-01-01 to present (Latin America & Caribbean Chapter of POMS)
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco

Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences: Catonsville, Maryland, US

2017-05-01 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco

Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation -CLI: Bogota, Colombia, CO

2009-07-01 to present
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco

Funding (1)

Fulbright Scholar

2014-01 to 2019-08 | Grant
Fulbright Association (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco

Works (41)

Enhancing Last-Mile Delivery: Social Media Insights and Deep Learning Applications

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Valeria Laynes-Fiascunari; Luis Rabelo; Edgar Gutierrez-Franco
Source: check_circle

A Holistic Approach to Power Systems Using Innovative Machine Learning and System Dynamics

2023-07-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Bibi Ibrahim; Luis Rabelo; Alfonso T. Sarmiento; Edgar Gutierrez-Franco
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A Framework for Urban Last-Mile Delivery Traffic Forecasting: An In-Depth Review of Social Media Analytics and Deep Learning Techniques

Applied Sciences
2023-05-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Valeria Laynes-Fiascunari; Edgar Gutierrez-Franco; Luis Rabelo; Alfonso T. Sarmiento; Gene Lee
Source: check_circle

Out of the Box: Exploring Cardboard Returnability in Nanostore Supply Chains

2023-05-10 | Journal article
Contributors: David Hidalgo-Carvajal; Edgar Gutierrez-Franco; Christopher Mejia-Argueta; Helen Suntura-Escobar
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Machine Learning for Short-Term Load Forecasting in Smart Grids

2022-10-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Bibi Ibrahim; Luis Rabelo; Edgar Gutierrez-Franco; Nicolas Clavijo-Buritica
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Analysis of sentiment in tweets addressed to a single domain-specific Twitter account: Comparison of model performance and explainability of predictions

Expert Systems with Applications
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Fiok, Krzysztof; Karwowski, Waldemar; Gutierrez, Edgar; Wilamowski, Maciej
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Automated Classification of Evidence of Respect in the Communication through Twitter

Applied Sciences
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Fiok, Krzysztof; Karwowski, Waldemar; Gutierrez, Edgar; Liciaga, Tameika; Belmonte, Alessandro; Capobianco, Rocco
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Automated Detection of Leadership Qualities Using Textual Data at the Message Level

IEEE Access
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Krzysztof Fiok; Waldemar Karwowski; Edgar Gutierrez-Franco; Tameika Liciaga; Alessandro Belmonte; Rocco Capobianco; Maham Saeidi
Source: check_circle

Text Guide: Improving the quality of long text classification by a text selection method based on feature importance

2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Fiok, Krzysztof; Karwowski, Waldemar; Gutierrez, Edgar; Davahli, Mohammad Reza; Wilamowski, Maciej; Ahram, Tareq; Al-Juaid, Awad; Zurada, Jozef
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Text Guide: Improving the Quality of Long Text Classification by a Text Selection Method Based on Feature Importance

IEEE Access
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Krzysztof Fiok; Waldemar Karwowski; Edgar Gutierrez-Franco; Mohammad Reza Davahli; Maciej Wilamowski; Tareq Ahram; Awad Al-Juaid; Jozef Zurada
Source: check_circle

Revisiting Text Guide, a Truncation Method for Long Text Classification

Applied Sciences
2021-09-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Krzysztof Fiok; Waldemar Karwowski; Edgar Gutierrez; Mohammad Reza Davahli; Maciej Wilamowski; Tareq Ahram
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Engineering Analytics

CRC Press
2021-07-26 | Book
Contributors: Luis Rabelo; Edgar Gutierrez-Franco; Alfonso Sarmiento; Christopher Mejía-Argueta
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco

Analysis of Human Behavior by Mining Textual Data: Current Research Topics and Analytical Techniques

2021-07-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Edgar Gutierrez; Waldemar Karwowski; Krzysztof Fiok; Mohammad Reza Davahli; Tameika Liciaga; Tareq Ahram
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Multi-Objective Optimization to Support the Design of a Sustainable Supply Chain for the Generation of Biofuels from Forest Waste

2021-07-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Edgar Gutierrez-Franco; Andres Polo; Nicolas Clavijo-Buritica; Luis Rabelo
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Data-Driven Methodology to Support Long-Lasting Logistics and Decision Making for Urban Last-Mile Operations

2021-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Edgar Gutierrez-Franco; Christopher Mejia-Argueta; Luis Rabelo
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A Study of the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Experience of Back Pain Reported on Twitter® in the United States: A Natural Language Processing Approach

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2021-04-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Krzysztof Fiok; Waldemar Karwowski; Edgar Gutierrez; Maham Saeidi; Awad M. Aljuaid; Mohammad Reza Davahli; Redha Taiar; Tadeusz Marek; Ben D. Sawyer
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Analysis model of thermal coal price using machine learning and delphi

Proceedings of the 2016 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, ISERC 2016
2020 | Conference paper


Contributors: Bornacelli, M.; Rabelo, L.C.; Gutiérrez, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

Identification and Prediction of Human Behavior through Mining of Unstructured Textual Data

2020-11-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Mohammad Reza Davahli; Waldemar Karwowski; Edgar Gutierrez; Krzysztof Fiok; Grzegorz Wróbel; Redha Taiar; Tareq Ahram
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Evidence of Chaos in Human Emotions Expressed in Tweets.

Nonlinear dynamics, psychology, and life sciences
2020-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Karwowski W; Sapkota N; Servi LD; Schmorrow D; Gutierrez E
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Europe PubMed Central

Design of Distributed Discrete-Event Simulation Systems Using Deep Belief Networks

2020-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Edwin Cortes; Luis Rabelo; Alfonso T. Sarmiento; Edgar Gutierrez
Source: check_circle

Predicting the Volume of Response to Tweets Posted by a Single Twitter Account

2020-06-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Krzysztof Fiok; Waldemar Karwowski; Edgar Gutierrez; Tareq Ahram
Source: check_circle

Comparing the Quality and Speed of Sentence Classification with Modern Language Models

Applied Sciences
2020-05-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Krzysztof Fiok; Waldemar Karwowski; Edgar Gutierrez; Mohammad Reza-Davahli
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Building Multiple Resolution Modeling Systems Using the High-Level Architecture

SAE Technical Papers
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:


Contributors: Lee, G.; Kim, J.; Marin, M.; Lee, K.; Gutierrez, E.; Rabelo, L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

The complexity of human performance variability on watch standing task

Applied Ergonomics
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

18729126 00036870

Contributors: Karwowski, W.; Kern, D.; Murata, A.; Ahram, T.; Gutiérrez, E.; Sapkota, N.; Marek, T.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

Energy storage and its implications in the future power grid

IISE Annual Conference and Expo 2018
2018 | Conference paper


Contributors: Ibrahim, B.; Gutiérrez, E.; Rabelo, L.; Concepción, T.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

Learning the best scheduling policies in manufacturing

IISE Annual Conference and Expo 2018
2018 | Conference paper


Contributors: Gutierrez, E.; Rabelo, L.; Obeidat, M.; Chen, M.; Alaghband, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

Agent-based modeling simulation and its application to ecommerce

Artificial Intelligence: Advances in Research and Applications
2017 | Book chapter


Contributors: Joledo, O.; Gutierrez, E.; Bukhari, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

Artificial intelligence: Advances in research and applications

Artificial Intelligence: Advances in Research and Applications
2017 | Book


Contributors: Rabelo, L.; Bhide, S.; Gutierrez, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

Business modeling based on internet of things: A case study of predictive maintenance software using ABS model

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2017 | Conference paper


Contributors: Basingab, M.; Rose, C.; Rabelo, L.; Gutiérrez, E.; Nagadi, K.; Jung, W.I.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

Predictive analytics for thermal coal prices using neural networks and regression trees

Artificial Intelligence: Advances in Research and Applications
2017 | Book chapter


Contributors: Bornacelli, M.; Gutierrez, E.; Pastrana, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

Predictive analytics using genetic programming

Artificial Intelligence: Advances in Research and Applications
2017 | Book chapter


Contributors: Rabelo, L.; Gutierrez, E.; Bhide, S.; Marin, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier


Artificial Intelligence: Advances in Research and Applications
2017 | Book


Contributors: Rabelo, L.; Bhide, S.; Gutierrez, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

Simulation optimization using a hybrid scheme with particle swarm optimization for a manufacturing supply chain

Artificial Intelligence: Advances in Research and Applications
2017 | Book chapter


Contributors: Sarmiento, A.T.; Gutierrez, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

Multi resolution modeling

Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference
2016 | Conference paper


Part of ISBN:


Contributors: Rabelo, L.; Kim, K.; Park, T.W.; Pastrana, J.; Marin, M.; Lee, G.; Nagadi, K.; Ibrahim, B.; Gutierrez, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

Conceptual framework for measuring carbon footprint in supply chains

Production Planning and Control
2015 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

13665871 09537287

Contributors: Montoya-Torres, J.R.; Gutierrez-Franco, E.; Blanco, E.E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

Optimization model applied to Colombian agro-industry: integrated logistics plan for the export of fresh pineapple guava

Boletin de Matematicas
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Canon, Maryori; Ramirez, Aura; Gutierrez-Franco, Edgar; Lopez-Ospina, Hector A.
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Modeling reverse logistics process in the agro-industrial sector: The case of the palm oil supply chain

Applied Mathematical Modelling
2013 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:


Contributors: Alfonso-Lizarazo, E.H.; Montoya-Torres, J.R.; Gutiérrez-Franco, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

Measuring Carbon Footprint in an Agro-industrial Supply Network

Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (iesm'): Innovative Approaches and Technologies for Networked Manufacturing Enterprises Management
2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Gutierrez-Franco, Edgar; Montoya-Torres, Jairo R.; Blanco, Edgar; Mejia, Diana
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Project scheduling with limited resources using a genetic algorithm

International Journal of Project Management
2010 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:


Contributors: Montoya-Torres, J.R.; Gutierrez-Franco, E.; Pirachicán-Mayorga, C.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

On the Analysis of Strategic and Operational Issues of Reverse Logistics Practices in Colombia: Presentation of Some Case Studies

International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering
2009 | Conference paper
Contributors: Pirachican M., Carolina; Montoya-Torres, Jairo R.; Halabi, Ana X.; Gutierrez-Franco, Edgar; Aldaz, Juan J.
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

On the analysis of strategic and operational issues of reverse logisticspractices in Colombia: Presentation of some case studies

2009 International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE 2009
2009 | Conference paper


Contributors: Carolina Pirachicán, M.; Montoya-Torres, J.R.; Halabi, A.X.; Gutierrez-Franco, E.; Aldaz, J.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Edgar Gutierrez-Franco via Scopus - Elsevier

Peer review (2 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Artificial intelligence review. (1)
Review activity for Human-Intelligent Systems Integration. (1)