Personal information
My name is Ioannis Kafetzakis and I have been awarded a BSc degree in
Physical Education and Sports Science, with specialties in Soccer Training
and Coaching as well as in Sports Medicine and Biology of Exercise, from
the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of the National
and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. Currently, I am attending a
Master’s program in "Biology of Exercise", which is held at the same
University. My main research interests are in the area of Sports Medicine
and Sports Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. I am a member of the
research team of the Sports Physical Therapy Laboratory, which is located
at the aforementioned department, conducting research on subjects related
to fatigue-related performance and injuries, gait analysis, assessment of
static and dynamic body balance, and evaluation of musculoskeletal
asymmetries. Since 2018, I have been working as a fitness instructor in
the private sector providing exercise and health services.