Personal information
Jesus Murgoitio Larrauri: Project manager in Transport Unit of TECNALIA, with software engineer academic degree from Deusto university of Bilbao. He has a postgraduate in “New Technologies” funded by local government, and another one in “Software Engineering” funded by ESIDE (Faculty of Engineering - Deusto university of Bilbao). He also worked as professor in the “New Technologies” master for several years, managed by the Engineering High School of Bilbao (University of Basque Country- UPV). He joined Robotiker-Tecnalia in 1987 where he finished his postgraduate in “New Technologies”, and he has worked on several European Projects. He has more than 20 years’ experience in software engineering, automation and advanced process engineering. He finished the first academic phase related to PhD thesis and he obtained the highest score defending his PhD thesis titled “Nuevo método basado en el HRV para la evaluación de HMIs y sistemas ITS para transporte por carretera integrando factores personales, temporales y ambientales” and related to sensors in automotive sector, managed by the Faculty of Engineering - ESIDE (Deusto university of Bilbao). This doctoral thesis makes an in-depth analysis of HRV (Heart Rate Variability) as calculated from an ECG (Electro Cardio Gram) and how it varies related to the attention span shown by individuals when driving land vehicles.