Personal information

No personal information available


Employment (1)

the Efficacy of Platelets Rich Plasma Injection in the Superior Joint Space of the Tempromandibular Joint Guided by Ultra Sound in Patients with Non-reducing Disk displacement: newdalhy, IN

2016-06-10 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
dr.shefaa hussain

Education and qualifications (1)

alesraa university college : baghdad, IQ

2018-03-18 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
dr.shefaa hussain

Works (1)

the Efficacy of Platelets Rich Plasma Injection in the Superior Joint Space of the Tempromandibular Joint Guided by Ultra Sound in Patients with Non-reducing Disk displacement

Research protocol or technique
Source: Self-asserted source
dr.shefaa hussain