Personal information
In February 2018 I became Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry and Director of Research at the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute at West Virginia University. I also hold the Hazel Ruby McQuain Chair for Neurological Research, and serve as the Director of basic science research in the WVU Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute and Director of the Neuroscience Graduate Program.
I was a Professor and Chair of the Department of Neuroscience at The Ohio State University Medical Center until January 2018 and held the Dr. John D. and E. Olive Brumbaugh Chair in Brain Research and Teaching, as well as the Distinguished University Professorship. I also had joint appointments as Professor of Psychology and Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology. I was the faculty lead of the Chronic Brain Injury Discovery theme and also co-directed the OSU Neuroscience Research Institute. Finally, I directed the OSU Rodent Behavioral Phenotyping Core.
I earned an AB, MA, and PhD in Psychology as well as a PhD in Endocrinology at UC, Berkeley. I then completed a postdoctoral fellowship in reproductive physiology at the University of Texas, Austin.
I served on the faculty at Johns Hopkins from 1986-2000, then moved to the Ohio State University. In addition to the articles linked here, I have published several books describing studies in biological rhythms, behavioral neuroendocrinology, stress, immune function, sex and aggressive behavior. I have been elected to Fellow status in several scientific associations including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Psychological Association, Association for Psychological Science, and the Animal Behavior Society. I have also served on many federal grant panels and currently serve on the editorial boards of six scientific journals and serve as an associate editor for two journals.